Day of the Dead Bloodline 2018

Mother of Movies loves zombies and virus-themed films. Day of the Dead: Bloodline is a bad movie with good effects. It’s a remake and not all remakes pack the same punch. Sometimes zombies, especially flesh-eating zombie movies are good. I loved films like The Rezort (2015), 28 Days Later (2002), 28 Weeks Later (2007), and countless other excellent undead flicks. The Day of the Dead movie was already a solid story. When filmmakers decided to remake this movie (again) there was a bar to come up to and plenty of inspiration from earlier versions. But did they get Day of the Dead: Bloodline right?

The Day of the Dead Bloodline 2017 narrative is about a bunch of soldiers and civilians trying to find a cure for a viral outbreak. Like any zombie-driven film, this apocalyptic universe has been taken over by the undead, and those left surviving want it all to go back to the way it was.

The Loyal Zombie Movie Fanbase

Loyal fanbases are a contemptuous bunch, either wanting you to stick to the script or incorporate improved results and they especially want you to get it right. The Day of the Dead movie had some redeeming qualities, the makeup effects were pretty good. Max’s ability to smile was reminiscent of the ghost face featured in Grave Encounters (2011.) Max had great eye contact and the mannerisms of many of the ‘rotters’ were outstanding. Max as a character was also something of an achievement. Overall had the movie been more about him and less about the other people cast in this, perhaps I may have dug up some more enthusiasm.

Is Day of the Dead Bloodline a Good Zombie Movie?

As far as character engagement, Zoe portrayed by Sophie Skelton in this particular script fell flat. Her performance lacked depth and failed to captivate the audience’s attention. The overall script itself was mediocre, which did not provide much room for the character to shine. It would have been more engaging if Zoe’s role had been written with more complexity and nuance to draw the viewers in.

I expected more from Hector Hernandez Vicens after his 2015 film The Corpse of Anna Fritz with its edgy taboo subject. If you aren’t going to improve on the acting at least improve the atmosphere which Hector should have been able to do. At least Romero’s film got that right. I’m so disappointed in Day of the Dead Bloodline that I could vomit.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline movie is rated

2 nifty special effects out of 5

Mother of Movies score

Day of the Dead Movie

Director:  Hèctor Hernández Vicens
Release: First release in USA January 2018
Writers: Mark Tonderai and Lars Jacobson based on the film Day of the Dead (1985) by George A. Romero
The cast of Day of the Dead Bloodline: Sophie SkeltonJohnathon SchaechJeff Gum
Budget: $8 million

Common Sense Media website also panned Day of the Dead Bloodlines reboot, read more about the parental guide for the film here.

zombie movie eating flesh, reboot of Day of the Dead Bloodline 2018
Zombie Movie Eating Flesh, a remake of Day of the Dead Bloodline 2018

Day of the Dead Bloodline Trailer

Reboots Versus Remakes

The discussion concerning reboots and remakes stirs passion among movie fans and filmmakers alike. I like reboots and remakes because they present a unique opportunity. They allow new voices to retell stories, giving them a chance to resonate with modern audiences or explore untapped potential within a narrative framework. Remember, every generation seeks stories and heroes that reflect their own societal values and challenges. Thus, a remake can contemporize a classic tale, making it accessible and relevant once more.

While it is undeniable that some reboots fall short of their predecessors, there are notable revivals that have gone on to equal or even surpass the impact of the original. They provide a platform for fresh cinematic techniques, current special effects, and different interpretive performances from a new cohort of actors. It’s worth mentioning that sometimes, the essence of a story persists across various interpretations, strengthening its cultural significance each time it’s reincarnated on the screen. Watch the video below and join Mother of Movies as I talk more about why reboots and remakes are an integral part of cinematic history.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline
Day of the Dead Bloodline 2018

Director: Hèctor Hernández Vicens

Date Created: 2018-01-05 19:55

Editor's Rating:


  • The zombie aesthetic and manerisms are outstanding
  • Special effects


  • Script
  • No improvement over the original
  • Atmosphere is disappointing, no tension