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Bleed With Me (Vampires on Shudder)

Bleed With Me Poster

Amelia Moses wants to create a feeling of uneasiness. A sense of what’s coming will get under your skin. Moses is the writer-director behind her debut feature film Bleed With Me. Now the Bleed With Me movie is on the horror platform, Shudder from August 10th, 2021. Moses’ work comprises many dark and horror-filled short films. A newer horror film, Bloodthirsty is another solid film from this up-and-comer genre filmmaker. The dark and atmospheric horror movie is set against a wintery landscape and comprises only three cast members.

The enchanting melody of woodwinds weaves its way through the score for “Bleed With Me”, intensifying the profound darkness that envelops Rohan’s psyche. In the depths of his paranoia, he becomes captivated by the seemingly flawless relationship between Emily and her beloved, Brendon. Rohan yearns for a connection as deep and passionate as theirs, fantasizing about a love that mirrors their devotion. But as the plot unfolds, the intricacies of their friendship unravel, revealing a sinister truth. Will Rohan truly find the warmth and acceptance he seeks, or will he be consumed by the tangled web of secrets that lie before him?

Slow Burn Horror – Bleed With Me

As they arrive at the wintery holiday cabin, they all get to know each other, cook dinner and have a few drinks. It’s in the storyline where conclusions are drawn and assumptions are made. Emily’s boyfriend refers to her ‘recovery’ several times, although it’s never explained what she has recovered from. Clues are that she walks with a limp but for all intents and purposes, there is nothing else mentioned about the matter.

It’s in the narrative and hazy interludes that the scant details to work with are dealt out like breadcrumbs. Brendan is overheard telling Emily that their invited guest was not pre-planned. In fact, he seems to think they really needed some time together. As for Emily, everything she does has a small amount of something not as sweet as her eyes would have you believe. Lauren Beatty plays the role of seductress with a slash of something sinister with a healthy dose of aplomb. I was more than pleased to see Beatty’s (Urban Legend TV Series) name against Moses’s second film Bloodthirsty. She really does this quiet creepy thing rather well.

Subtle and Creepy Psychological Madness

If you’re a fan of Assassins Creed, the video game, I urge you to close your eyes when Brendan (Aris Tyros) is in the scene. It’s his voice behind Esiocles and various other characters. He is also something of an enigma here in Bleed With Me as I cast a judgemental look his way more than once. Is he just the nice guy or is Emily’s behavior with Rohan more than just superficial jealousy and bait? As for Lee Marshall, who plays Rohan, she has that understated innocence that makes her undeniably likable. She was great to watch unfold and subsequently unravel.

I have my theories as to the finale for Bleed With Me. I will admit to rewatching a few parts of this film, to sort through some events as they happen very quickly. This is not a story you can keep up with half-heartedly. You really need to pay attention. However, overall, the story is very clever, and understanding why I thought Emily was doing what she was doing made it all make sense.

Trailer for the Psychological Horror Movie, Bleed With Me

Bleed With Me movie is rated

4 it’s easier to make people need you out of 5

4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5
Mother of Movies score

The Explanation for Bleed With Me Movie Ending – Spoilers

Spoiler Section and Explanation for BLEED WITH ME

Bleed With Me Explanation and spoiler for the ending of the movie

Emily’s sister died. Brandon helped her through a breakdown and this is where they bonded. She needed him and he stayed because he cared. Now, Emily has felt him slipping away and brought Rohan along to their holiday house. She is more broken and in need than Emily is now.

Instead of rising to the challenge of helping out another wounded soul, he leaves. This leaves Emily with someone to care for. Caring for another person is something Emily desperately thrives on. Rohan wasn’t paranoid. In the end, Emily was doing things to her, drugging her and cutting her as she slept to make her more reliant on Emily.

She does kill her accidentally. Brendan returns to Emily but she is already dead and Rohan is lost.

That’s my take. I could be wrong but all the snippets of narrative and what I saw seem to lead to this.

Feel free to join my Mother of Movies Facebook page for more movie reviews and news and leave me a comment to debate. I’d love to hear from you.

Lee Marshall as Rohan in Bleed With Me 2020
Lee Marshall as Rohan in Bleed With Me 2020

Bleed With Me Shudder

🩸BLEED WITH ME is now streaming on Shudder in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia & New Zealand!

The Bleed With Me movie screened at 2020’s Fantasia Fest followed by Nightstream Festival to rave reviews.

Aris Tyros and Lauren Beatty in Bleed With Me as Brandon and Emily.
Aris Tyros and Lauren Beatty in Bleed With Me as Brandon and Emily.

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