Opening weekend for The Nun, a horror movie that was released in 2018, I seized an opening to leave the house without the kids. With my friend in tow, the cinema was barely half full on a Saturday night. The fact it was full of ass-hats is beside the point. You know the type, that thinks they are hilarious being part of a group. The ones that can say ‘boo’ and get a scream from some half-witted female sitting with them? More than once. Combine that with talking, giggling and some doofus reacting to every movement on the screen and you have the summary of my night at the movies.
In saying that though, this is usually an indication of a sub-par film. The audience isn’t engaged or invested.
The Conjuring Universe & The Nun
I am a fan of The Conjuring Universe. The second Conjuring film was the first time we got to see the demon nun who was a pretty scary sight. This film, it’s all about Valak and the reason I wanted to see the film. So feisty and angry is Valak in other films that you just have to wonder what’s up with her. I was sure I was going to find out. Right?
The Nun 2018 Where to Watch
- In the USA You can buy “The Nun” on Microsoft Store as a download. It’s also available to stream on
- A priest with a haunted past joins a novice nun. Together they are sent by the Vatican to investigate a death in Romania. They confront a malevolent force in the form of a demonic nun.
- Director: Colin Hardy. Colin’s feature-length debut directorial film was a TV movie called The Hallow (2015.)
- Writers: Gary Dauberman (screenplay & story) with James Wan (story.)
- Release: The Nun was released on 4th September 2018 at the Lisbon International Horror Film Festival and everywhere else between 5th and 21st September 2018.
- The Nun Cast: Demian Bichir (The Hateful Eight 2015), Taissa Farmiga (Final Girls 2015), Jonas Bloquet (Orphan 2016), and Bonnie Aarons (The Conjuring 2 2016).

The Nun Movie
I am a cheap date when it comes to films with jump scares. Often heckled by those who think less is more, I am more often than not on the jump scare’s side. But not this time.
The Nun’s impressive set features beautiful landscapes towering over the heroes. The buildings and sets are amazing to look at, with large steel gates shutting each day at sundown, marking the nuns’ silent time. The film’s attention to detail is remarkable, with crucifixes everywhere and an authentic look throughout.
The initial storyline begins well with some comic relief through Frenchie. He begins by hitting on the young quasi-nun sister Irene when she accompanies Father Burke to retrieve the body of a nun who recently died. Frenchie’s story is flimsy though. He is not a pillar cemented within the community, but rather a traveler. Frenchie passes through and happens to be caretaking both the Abbey and his lodgings while also being a well-known face in the local bar. Most of the opening quarter is interesting and creepy albeit somewhat too easygoing.
The Nun Film – Horror Movies 2018
Even though the overall story for The Nun 2018 tied in well to the original first film, the characters didn’t quite sit together well. Father Burke’s backstory was the glue holding everything together. Sister Irene is sort of a poor man’s Lorraine (if you’re familiar with The Conjuring’s paranormal investigators.) She plays her part well enough but she’s a medium of some sort and it’s only ever glossed over. What I did realize is that the only time it’s okay to chase after small children or creepy figures at night is if you’re a priest. Priests can be excused for completely ignoring their fearful predicament and going towards the danger to save the world.
The Nun features some good practical effects and dynamic close-up shots that don’t seem to be CGI-enhanced. The deliberate cinematography in the final quarter used to churn up the scenes was slightly jarring combined with some very trope-y hands coming out of the walls and whatnot. There are also way too many weak jump scares.
Overall though The Nun movie was slightly confused about what it wanted to be and came across more like a zombie and monster film than a possession, specter, and demon movie. In my opinion, that is where it lost its footing.
Worth seeing but just not worth raving about.
The Nun movie is rated
2.5 that’s not a nun, this is a nun out of 5.

What Horror Movies Released in 2018

The Nun 2018 Review
Director: Corin Hardy
Date Created: 2018-09-04 00:53
- Dynamic cinematograpy
- Practical effects over CGI
- Cheap jumps scares that aren't built up well
- Crosses too many supernatural elements to be cohesive