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“Lucky” Home Invasion Slasher Movies

Lucky 2021 poster courtesy of Epic Pictures Group Photo Credit Shudder

The “Lucky” horror movie 2021 is a different kind of slasher film. Part day-on-repeat, and with equal measures of home invasion horror, director NATASHA KERMANI and writer BREA GRANT take you on a very surreal journey. The story starts with May, played by the perfectly attuned Brea Grant. With a healthy dose of comedic absurdity on a very normal night. May and her husband enjoy ice cream and banter.

They head up to the bedroom to go to sleep and May is woken by some kind of noise outside. To her sheer disbelief, she sees a man in the yard staring up at her. After she wakes her husband his casual response as he grabs a golf club makes this situation anything but normal. May is attacked by this mysterious masked man.

She calls the police and reports it. However, everyone May encounters from here on in has a very different opinion on the seriousness of her concerns. Nobody cares.

Get Your Metaphor Here

What begins as a series of events that will lead you to believe, that the Lucky film is some kind of time loop movie, eventually, becomes the antithesis of that. This is not just a day that May gets to do over and over again on repeat. No one else in her life is living the same day over and over and every other facet of her daily routine moves forward as it should. Her husband dismisses her reactive response to the point that he leaves.

As May finds herself alone after her husband leaves, she experiences a mix of emotions. Fear, frustration, and determination drive her to prepare for the inevitable return of the mysterious man who tried to kill her. With each passing moment, she strengthens her resolve and arms herself mentally and physically. She strategizes, seeking ways to outsmart her attacker. May’s bid for survival intensifies, leaving her questioning whether she can trust anyone, even those closest to her.

“I Don’t Feel Like You’re Listening To Me”

Lucky’s title is engrained with the very real trauma some people face and how sometimes the only platitude they are given is how lucky they are to have survived. Even her career as a writer is taken to test as a publisher tells her how lucky she is to be getting a new book deal after her experience.

Whatever May’s actual trauma is to cause this obsessive masked man to revisit her every night we are never told. Most movies of this type love to brandish a character with a vivid flashback to show the audience the brutality or ordeal they have faced. Don’t expect that here. Instead, we are only shown glimpses alluding to some kind of incident that happened in the car park.

What we do know is that this masked man represents the lasting effects of whatever May went through. About support systems that are well-meaning but are sometimes futile in resolving the trauma. May understandably become obsessed with her daily and nightly ritual of keeping the bad man out. Before long she simply becomes obsessed with killing him. Her powerlessness over her new world is reinforced by the man disappearing over and over again no matter what she does.

Slasher Movies

Lucky 2021 is a story that will frustrate those looking for a solid home invasion horror film with clear and solid lines. But those who can read between them and uncover the metaphors beneath might resonate with a lot of what this film has to say.

“This is Just How it is”

Quote from the horror movie, Lucky 2021

The Lucky movie is rated

3.75 just because you’re acting out of control doesn’t mean you are out of 5

Mother of Movies score

Lucky Movie Watch Online

You can watch the Lucky film streaming online on the Shudder platform in most countries.

Hunter C. Smith as The Man Lucky 2021
Hunter C. Smith as The Man in 2021’s Lucky. Photo Credit: Shudder
  • The horror and thriller movie Lucky was acquired as a screener for review purposes.
  • Written by Brea Grant
  • Directed by Natasha Kermani
  • Produced by Epic Pictures Group
  • Distributed by Shudder, the film will be available to stream exclusively on the platform from March 4th, 2021.
Brea Grant as May in Lucky 2021
Brea Grant as May in Lucky 2021. Photo Credit: Shudder

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