Somewhere Quiet movie

Somewhere Quiet 2024 Where To Go When You’ve Been Kidnapped

Somewhere Quiet 2024 | After coming out the other side of being kidnapped, Meg takes to the sanctuary of her husbands family estate.

#Somewherequiet #JenniferKim #VerticalEntertainment #motherofmovies

Instead of concentrating on the very scary, and highly publicized kidnapping, Somewhere Quiet focuses on what happens to Meg afterward. In the opening scenes, Meg (Jennifer Kim) is seen running from a distance as an animal control worker scoops up a dead animal from the side of the road. With an offer for help swiped away by the frantic and bloodied woman, she steals his car, and his gun and drives away quickly from an unknown danger.

Leaning into less is more, when it comes to revealing why, Somewhere Quiet is exactly what Meg needs. She and her husband are taking off to his family home so that she can recover but as they stop at a gas station, a TV behind the counter airs the story of her ordeal. Her kidnapping is trending on the news and hundreds of people can be seen, some holding placards and a news anchor talking about the woman who was kept prisoner in a cabin. One of the placards reads:

“It’s always the husband.”

Quote from Somewhere Quiet 2024

In scenes that capture a danger that is now over, the film draws you into the fact that an overt danger remains. Thrumming horror movie-conditioned string instruments grab at the pleasantries between the husband and wife. As they settle into Scott’s (Kentucker Audley) Grandfather’s large home the setting is warm with red and orange hues outlining the pair as they embrace in a setting meant to make everything ok.

Somewhere Quiet 2024

It doesn’t take long before their serenity is smashed, a cousin turns up unannounced and the tension in the air is palpable. Madeline (Marin Ireland) seems pleased to see Meg, however, the now rigid woman is struggling to remember where they even met as well as why her sanctuary is being invaded. The first night they are there, Meg finds herself unable to sleep and wanders around the darkened house noting family pictures of missionary work in Korea. She picks up a plate adorned with the words “Prepare to meet thy maker” as a noise startles her and the plate lands and breaks on the floor.

Somewhere Quiet movie
Somewhere Quiet movie

What’s the Story?

Somewhere Quiet toys with its audience for a long time. Scott is seen numerous times sleepwalking to various parts of the house. When she tries to talk to him about the events of the night, he tells her;

“Some nightmares feel real.”

Quote from Somewhere Quiet

Is Scott gaslighting her about the details she believes are real or has Meg walked into a newer more relevant danger than the one she has just escaped? If you are like me and barely read about a film before watching it and also shy away from film trailers and reading a synopsis, Something Quiet is a bit of a struggle to get into. None of the characters are talking about the before or what happened while Meg was isolated and kept captive for months. But the very notion that many important and pivotal things have happened while she was gone does not go unnoticed. But how subtle is too subtle?

Sure, there are moments where Meg and Scott seem far too close to be cousins. More passive-aggressive than behavior identified as well-meaning, Madeline’s constant presence is a pressure cooker of unresolved bad vibes. Director and writer Olivia West Lloyd gets busy mixing enough of Meg’s PTSD into her current reality to leave you constantly wondering what is going on.

Somewhere Quiet is the type of movie that keeps you at arm’s length with bated breath while waiting for a payoff. And there is plenty of red herring goodness to keep you almost not bailing on the entire thing. Although I have to admit, the first time I tried to watch the movie, it was too much hard work so I chose something less demanding. You need to focus on this title to get the most out of it.

When Madeline finally gets Meg alone, the tonal shift cannot be ignored however. As Meg notices a rifle hanging on the wall, she talks about Coyotes being a pest before undermining her at dinner with her husband the next night. And the payoff you are waiting for is just around the corner. Rather than leave you with no answers, Somewhere Quiet crumbles shocking revelations of a different form.

What Happened to the Plate?

One piece at a time, Meg asks the questions that give you all the answers including what happened to the broken plate. The mere fact the plate exists gives credibility to every experience Meg has in Somewhere Quiet. As a massive fan of the horror movie trope of “one more night,” I was thrilled with the ending of this cleverly designed mystery thriller. The narrative speeds off to the left in a furious fashion that sees the cousins play a very telling game of traditional family charades.

Somewhere Quiet is rated

4 Easy riders out of 5

Somewhere Quiet Ending

You know the drill, turn away now from the spoilers. Even though Meg was trying to uncover a conspiracy between her husband Scott, the kidnappers, and Madeline, turns out they were just playing hide the sausage since Madeline lost her brother as children to the ocean. When the video from the kidnappers turned up, he was sad his wife was gone, but couldn’t help but jump on the opportunity to gain empathy in the public eye and also end up with the woman he ultimately wanted.

When Meg turns up alive, he decides to regain his newfound happiness by implementing a grand scheme. He wanted to declare his wife incompetent, gain guardianship, and go back to the part where he was going to get all her lovely money.

In literal media res fashion, Somewhere Quiet ends where it started. Leaving perched high in the middle of things as Meg is left screaming for her exit, only in this instance creates one last big reveal. Meg had to fight harder to escape her life than the time she got kidnapped for three months.

Somewhere Quiet 2024 Where To Go When You've Been Kidnapped | Mother of Movies
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Director: Olivia West Lloyd

Date Created: 2024-02-02 19:12

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