Chainsaws Were Singing could be described as a whimsical adventure about a young man who falls in love with a young woman. Tom and Maria discover qualities in each other that they cannot deny and quickly become inseparable. Alternatively, this title could also be described as a tale about redneck hillbillies which includes a mute male endearingly named Killer. Killer loves to kill and for no other reason than pure joy in his heart, he likes to mow down any random person he encounters with his chainsaw.
With its humor perfectly tuned, “Chainsaws Were Singing” confidently portrays the people in this universe as equivalents to potatoes. It is seamlessly jammed up against central characters who have their own stories to tell. It’s fun, dumb and, Mr. Bean-level intelligence while also being grossly violent and over-the-top inappropriate. And sometimes this is a good thing. Think Borat, but perhaps a little more outrageous. Alternatively, think “Bukkake God” and see where your mind goes.
Sander Maran brings his A-game as writer-director (directorial feature film debut) with co-writing by Karl Ilves.
Language is spoken in Estonian, and there is no denying the jaw-droppingly awesome account of horror movies and dozens of films, that Chainsaws Were Singing name-drops through clever and witty anecdotes. Case in point, the dynamic of the family unit from whence our mighty killer heralds marks out all the classic stereotypes and twists them into black-as-night comedy genius.
“You are hideous and nobody loves you, except me.”
As a character though, Killer is a complex individual. Of course, he would be though, the man has every single villain trait you could imagine which again, just makes it funnier. Like Barbie in the recent Barbie movie, Killer wonders what his purpose is. Could he love more than just killing? He begins to look inward.
Effects are low-key practical, but it doesn’t matter, often making it funnier that it should get credit for. The additional musical numbers that everyone from Killer the chainsaw-wielding maniac to Jaan, a mentally disabled person who picks up Tom as he embarks on a journey to save his beloved Maria are brilliantly passive-aggressive, and I loved it.
The Worst Is Yet To Come
Jaan and Tom become an unexpected yet unbreakable duo as Jaan declares he has nothing better to do. Despite his initial plan to take his deceased grandmother to be cremated, fate intervenes when the car explodes, solving two problems at once. Jaan faces his challenges with an upbeat attitude with a motto of;
‘It can only get worse”
This is the type of humor you can anticipate.
The next picture is the most popular image doing the rounds and I went into it with low expectations after seeing it.

But, everything about this just works in harmony so that nothing is ever too much. Well, perhaps the Bukkake God… I mean, as soon as I realized where it was going, I simply couldn’t look away. A title that uses its audacity with an even hand, Chainsaws Were Singing set the bar.
Killers’ character arc stands out as my favorite aspect of the narrative, but the entire cast delivers an outstanding performance.
Stars Karl Ilves as Tom co-wrote the film. Laura Niils, Martin Ruus, Janno Puusepp, Rita Rätsepp, Ra Ragnar Novod and Peeter Maran also star.
The horror and comedy gore fest played at the Fantasia Film Festival on July 23rd, 2024 and, is scheduled for more. The score underpins all the glowing praise that has come before this point and brings its own warped sense of humor to the mix.
Life Is Like A Road, It Has Two Ends
So far, my favorite film of the 2024 Fantasia Film Festival and also my favorite film so far this year, Chainsaws Were Singing is great.
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Chainsaws Were Singing is rated
5 Maat The Gunman’s out of 5
22 Horror Movies from Fantasia Fest 2024
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Chainsaws Were Singing Trailer With English Subtitles
Chainsaws Were Singing, Slasher Fusion Genius #Fantasia2024 - Mother of Movies

Director: Sander Maran
Date Created: 2024-04-26 17:35