Pet Sematary review on Mother of Movies

Pet Sematary, When Classics Get Remade

Pet Sematary 2 Review. Pet Semetary 1989 VS Pet Sematary 2019. Best new horror remakes with Gage, Zelda and Church brought back to life.

I was never going to do a Pet Sematary review. There is so much trash talk about the film, I put it on the back burner. Well, I finally watched it and I must admit, I think it’s one of the best new horror remakes and adaptations I’ve seen in recent times. Did you like the new Pet Cemetery movie? I’m not a massive fan of Steven King’s novels. I’ve read a few here and there, and of course, have a few favorites. The films made from his books are hit-and-miss. I’m really happy to put this review of Pet Sematary up as something that was not only well-written as a screenplay but well-orchestrated as well.

Beyond the Cemetery

Firstly let’s counter some of the trash-talk. Pet Sematary is slow-paced. I sat down to watch this one night a while ago and couldn’t get into it. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t in the mood for the way this story ambles along. The second time around though, I was glued to the screen.

I’m not going to compare this film to the original 1992 movie either. The 2019 vision brought to life by Jeff Buhler and Matt Greenberg stands on its own two feet. The pair managed to flip things just enough in various elements that this version holds to the values of the book. I see some of you shaking your head, but hear me out.

Essentially the novel was based on paying a price for interfering with fate as well as playing with the theories of what happens after something dies. The premise’s relatability is what makes it so great. The house the Creeds move to has a supernatural history and the family itself doesn’t even agree with their ideas on mortality. Nothing in the 2019 Pet Sematary narration sways from any of that.

The other aspect audiences were unhappy with was the use of jump scares. I’m usually the first person to grab hold of that wagon, but I loved the way tension and foreboding were introduced here. The story and writing were so on point, the surprises became a bonus and certainly added value each time they sold their scare. I’m going to have to disagree with the score being used too liberally as well.

Pet Cemetery 2 Released in 2019

Spooky music applied to banal situations in life was needed here. Whether or not the writers of Pet Semetary 2 were counting on the wider audience being familiar with the storyline I can’t confirm. But I do feel like some of the earlier music scores were placed because nothing scary was happening. However, we as the audience know something scary should be happening. It puts us on high alert and when you’re on watch, the jump scares hit their intended target just as well as when you’re not expecting them.

What I loved about Pet Semetary 2019 was the complete immersion into the effect the burial ground has on everything it touches. I also really liked the Pet Semeary cat, Church. He looked super good. I got a sense of the power of the entity that inhabits the burial grounds too. I think the introduction of Victor Pascoe being a beacon to warn the family of impending doom was also well done.

Production levels, of course, were off the charts. The Pet Semetary 2 budget cost $21 million. So you would expect nothing less. Similarly, It (2017) got $35 million thrown down its spiny clown-toothed throat, and the box office sent a clear message that it was money well spent.

Jason Clarke as Louis Creed in the Pet Sematary review on Mother of Movies
Jason Clarke as Louis Creed. Good horror remakes.

The Cast of Pet Sematary

Finally, I can’t fault the Pet Semetary cast here. I loved them all. Jason Clarke as Louis with his stoic and serious tone settled perfectly into this role. I’ve not seen him in many of his listed films or on television but learned he is Australian, so that’s pretty cool. He is well known, however, and he was in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) which is his biggest film.

Amy Seimet’s; Rachel and Mom were someone I enjoyed despite her character’s jumpy nature. Without giving away any spoiler details, one of my favorite scenes is in the showdown. What was refreshing about it, was Rachel’s instantaneous belief in what was happening and that I didn’t have to be angry at her succumbing to bad deeds because her love made her blind. Instead, she petitioned a heroic act that was only undone by someone else.

John Litgow as Jud Crandall in Pet Sematary. Best new horror remakes
John Lithgow as Jud Crandall.

Mr. Jud Crandall in the Pet Cemetery Movie

The biggest surprise for me and the only comparison I’ll make between this new Pet Cemetery movie and the Pet Semetary original is Jud. Fred Gwynne who played Mr. Jud Crandall originally was just so perfect you can’t imagine anyone filling his Jud shoes. John Lithgow was fantastic. His rap sheet for film and television is so well-rounded across the genre playing fields that he’d be a hidden gem if he were an actual movie and not a person.

As far as the younger set of cast members goes, they were amazing too. When child actors pull off difficult roles like this on such a large scale you just have to sit up and take notice. Jete Laurence as Ellie was convincing in all aspects of her character’s journey. The addition of a more violent ending for Zelda from Pet Semetary was also something you need to see to believe.

If you’ve been putting off seeing Pet Sematary for any reason, now’s a good time to catch up on it. This film gives a much clearer idea of the wider universe that makes up this story. If you have seen it and hated it, that’s fine too, but I loved it. That final scene was one of the eeriest and coldest finales I’ve seen in a while. Blood chilling.

I give Pet Sematary

4.5 sometimes dead is better out of 5

4.5 Skulls out of 5
4.5 Skulls out of 5
Mother of Movies score

Best New Horror Remakes New Pet Cemetery Movie Trailer

New Pet Cemetery Movie-Based Short Film?

Stick around and check out the short film I was sent based on this film. It’s worth the 9-minute run time it has. The Dollmaker. I adored this short film. It’s not one to miss.

Courtesy of Alphaville Films and Paramount Pictures

  • Directed by Kevin Kölsch | Dennis Widmeyer
  • Screenplay by: Matt Greenberg and Jeff Buhler (an original novel from Stephen King.)