Film Review: Bystanders – When the Prey Fights Back
Bystanders (2024): A horror-thriller courtesy of Epic Pictures Group. Feminine rage returns as a group of boys discover Abby isnt all that sweet after all.
Bystanders (2024): A horror-thriller courtesy of Epic Pictures Group. Feminine rage returns as a group of boys discover Abby isnt all that sweet after all.
7 gunea pigs sign up to test a new pharmaceutical drug. Tests results cause havoc in Double Blind 2024. Horror and thriller movie. #motherofmovies #doubleblind #epicpictures #epicpicturesgroup
Lucky stars & is written by Brea Grant. Directed by Natasha Kernami, the film follows May who is forced to relive a trauma day after day.
Uncle Peckerhead. A horror-comedy movie about a man-eating demon who becomes a punk bands’ roadie.
Sleepless Beauty is a Russian horror & torture movie from director Pavel Khvaleev. Mila has been kidnapped but why is she being brutalised?
Butt Boy spoiler movie review. For people that can handle strange movies narrated in a unique way. A film about addiction and butts.
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