Hell House LLC 3 The Final Chapter of the franchise

The Hell House LLC franchise released the third Hell House movie, Lake of Fire in 2019. The original film is one of the scariest independent movies I’ve ever seen. The gist of Hell House LLC 3 Lake of Fire changes the format of the previous two haunted house movies. This time The Abaddon Hotel is under threat of development. Despite the hotel’s diabolical reputation, its history has amounted to more of an Urban Legend than factual events.

The storyline hones in on a television show that follows a well-known public figure and rich guy Russell. He’s like the Robert Irvine of haunted houses. Russell wants to turn the Abaddon Hotel into a haunted theater show. Not everyone’s sure it’s the best thing to do, but they all do it anyway, no questions asked. Speculation among those involved in making this magical theatrical event happen is whispered between them, but no precautions are made.

In the Hell House LLC movie series, the character of Russell, a billionaire, plays a crucial role in the storyline. He has his own flashback that briefly revisits events from the original movie, and his presence serves as the central element driving the underlying theme of the haunt.

Best Haunted House Movies

However, one aspect that may detract from the overall experience is the abundance of replays, both from the first and second movies and the repetition of certain scares. This can make it easy for fans to lose sight of Russell’s significance and the overall narrative. It’s unfortunate that these three movies, released in quick succession and available on the same platform (Shudder), didn’t focus more on catering to the fans who followed the series. A more streamlined approach with fewer characters and enhanced character development for Russell could have resulted in a significantly better movie.

That being said, it is worth noting that the inclusion of the original cast in “Hell House LLC Lake of Fire” was a pleasant surprise. Seeing familiar faces lifted the viewing experience and added a sense of continuity. The performance of the clown character, who managed to instill a sense of fear and effectively conveyed a creepy ambiance in the basement, was particularly memorable. Additionally, the concept of the white sheet tunnels and the introduction of moving statues brought some new potential scares to the production. These aspects only generated semi-enthusiasm from me. I felt they detracted from the overall atmosphere of the movie.

Welcome back clowns, I still love you. Hell House LLC 3 revival of the clowns
Welcome back clowns, I still love you. Hell House LLC 3 revival of the clowns

Hell House LLC 3 DVD

The Hell House LLC 3 DVD is not available in this format but it can be bought or rented digitally. The first two editions of the franchise are available on Blue-ray via Amazon.com

Lake of Fire

In terms of cinematography, the scene with the sea of hooded figures and the gates of hell could have been better executed in terms of lighting. Seeing too much detail, such as the material of their robes, took away from the believability of the situation. The blood spray also appeared unrealistic, resembling someone throwing it with a small sandcastle bucket, rather than capturing the intensity of a chaotic scene.

In summary, while there were some concerns regarding the lighting, cinematography, and aesthetics in the final carnage scenes, the movie managed to incorporate elements that I appreciated, such as the twist in the storyline and certain characters. It aimed to provide closure and answer questions about the Abaddon Hotel, reinforcing what was good about the first film while introducing new elements.

Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire is rated

3 kissing clowns on a dare out of 5

Mother of Movies score

Hell House LLC [2015] (Review), Hell House LLC The Abaddon Hotel (Review), and Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (Movie Trailer and release details. + film review.) For another movie recommendation in the found footage arena, watch The Isolation Horrors.

Hell House LLC 3 Full Movie Trailer

YouTube video
Hell House LLC 3: Lake of Fire A Supernatural Chapter
Hell House LLC 3 The Final Chapter of the franchise hell house llc 3

Director: Stephen Cognetti

Date Created: 2019-09-19 22:03

Editor's Rating:


  • Provides closure and answers about the previous films
  • Excellent twist in the narrative


  • Set peices and lighting were not suited to certain scenes
  • Too many flashbacks