12 Horror Short Films From The Home Invasion Collection
BHFF’s 2019 horror short films program proudly presents an array of categories designed to satiate even the most discerning horror fans. As an enthusiast of the home invasion narrative, I was thrilled to be able to list a curated selection of 12 horror short films that nail this theme. 2019 had the following awesome horror short films at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival.
Highlights include “Brain Jail,” “Baekmodo is Hungry,” “The Muffin Man,” “Laundry Night,” and “The Taxidermist.” These standout films from the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival are guaranteed to captivate your senses. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to indulge.
Deja Vu | Brooklyn Horror Film Festival | 12 Horror Short Films
Director Cameron Strittmatter’s newest short film Deja Vu, tells a surprisingly different 7-minute story about Neil and Lydia. Both are enjoying an office party with Lydia telling him about a nightmare she keeps having. Strangely it involves him and the elevator down the hall. If they investigate nothing will happen, right? Less home invasion and more Sliding Doors this is a horror short that will have you wondering if you’ve been here before.
Emily Bennett who is best known for her role in the TV series The Blacklist directed and wrote this insanely gore-filled short LVRS. It’s not shy about telling the story of what it must feel like for many to be in an abusive relationship and uses horror and mirrors to say a very hard-hitting 11-and-a-half-minute story.
Laundry Night as Part of 12 Horror Short Films
There’s nothing like having to do your laundry in the basement and Laundry Night from the director. A.K. Espada shows you that if you think being on the phone will stop anything weird from happening, you’re dead wrong. This is one creepy 7-minute story.
Bakemono Is Hungry BHFF Short Film Review
Bakemono is based on a story set around the tradition of Setsubun, where good luck is summoned and lousy luck is expelled by throwing soya beans. Directors Sumire Takamatsu and Jorge Lucas tell the ten-minute story of a family whose young daughter is certainly in no mood to celebrate. With mixed narratives in both Japanese and English. By all means, this was one of my favorites from the batch. It mixes great performances, excellent cinematography, and razor-sharp creep.
12 Horror Short Films at BHFF

Brain Jail
Carleton Ranney’s debut directorial feature-length film Jackrabbit is on Amazon Prime Video. His new short film Brain Jail; breaks a 4-year gap in his filmography. Bringing chance encounters to the forefront a man tries to find a woman he met on a train posting an attempt to locate the ‘cute blonde’ on Craigslist. Of course, no fairy tale would be complete without some conspiracy theories to scare the crap out of you.
The Muffin Man
The Muffin Man is directed by Ethan Blum and while it may have you humming the familiar tune and wondering if you know any Muffin Men, this one is definitely not one you want to meet in a dark alley. Set against your favorite quirky comedy horrors, you’ll be laughing at the bakery although you might just find yourself ‘bread on arrival.’
Let Me Play
Let Me Play is an almost 10-minute short film about Grace. She will show you that sisters are good at two things. They were making great sheet forts and showing their older brothers what’s what. From director Andrew Bell.
The Taxidermist
The Taxidermist, by director Natalie Johnson, brings horror to this short film set in a taxidermist shop. If that’s not already scary enough, then perhaps having been tortured in one is. Not for the squeamish or those who dislike triggering themes.
Robbie Lemieux is best known as a producer, but he’s also made a decent handful of short films. Ed is a horror comedy and two office chums discussing their creepy coworker at wine-o-clock get more than they bargained for when they discover what’s going on with Ed.
Horizontal Fall – 12 Horror Short Films
Horizontal Fall is a psychological horror short by directors Tin Lee and Ben Someck. Set in a forest with gently singing birds a woman finds it’s harder to kill someone if you’re stuck inside an eternal time loop. Even if you really really want to.
Deep Tissue
Meredith Alloway is the writer-director of the romantic horror short film Deep Tissue. Sometimes a massage is not all you’re going to get. This is not your everyday masseuse and Viv is not your average client. But what if you decide what you thought you wanted isn’t what you wanted after all? Or, what if you do and you like it?
The Rat
Finally, Carlen May-Mann’s second short film is called The Rat and it’s set on Halloween night in the ’80s. A romantic horror-slasher about Renee and Jim tells a tale about young love. There’s even a haunted house, so don’t miss this one if you get the chance.