Romance Movies to watch on Netflix

I thought I’d put together a list of best Netflix romantic movies just for the hell of it. These are selected by putting together charted selections via a range of different platforms and then taking the best ones from there. How many of these have you seen? For the first two Netflix full romantic movies, the top two choices are Silver Linings and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. For the full list, check these titles:

The Perks Of Being a WallFlower

Romance Movies on Netflix
The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Silver Linings Playbook

Next, The Perks of being a wallflower released in 2012. There is plenty to like about this coming-of-age romantic flick from Stephen Chbosky. Perhaps it’s because the author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower book it’s made from wrote, directed, and produced the full movie that it is one of the best-rated films on this list. Maybe it’s the great casting choices with Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, and Logan Lerman that create the believable relatability to the storyline that people like. Whatever the case, this is a film you shouldn’t overlook if you’re looking for something to tug at your heartstrings.

The story follows Charlie as he begins high school having been bullied in previous years. He likes his teacher, Mr. Anderson. Eventually falling in with a group of freshman kids, there’s plenty to get invested in as the story predictably but smoothly transitions between them as they get to know each other. Love, betrayal, and secrets result in plenty of turmoil.

Pros for The Perks of Being a Wallflower:

  • Great dialogue and a well-written script,
  • The Adaptation from novel to film is really well done,
  • Mature themes handled explained well through engaging characters.

Con’s of The Perks of Being a Wallflower;

  • Some of the story’s secrets lack depth,
  • Older age brackets might find the overall relatability generic.

Silver Linings Playbook

David O. Russell and novel from Matthew Quick

The Weinstein Company

Released in 2012, Silver Linings Playbook comes with Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, and Jennifer Lawrence to name just a few. Silver Linings Playbook deals with one man’s quest to get back with his ex-wife. It follows the ins and outs of mental health deep-diving into bipolar disorder which sees Pat deciding he’d prefer to simply look for the silver linings in life and steer clear of medicinal remedies.

Even though the narrative plays on themes such as sex addiction, gambling, and mental illness, most people who see this one come away feeling inspired and reacquainted with wanting to make good choices with their own lives. Depending on how you look at the Silver Linings Playbook, you might think this movie is a little light on the romance. However, the cast is a bountiful collection of excellent performers so you know there will be no issues with that aspect of the Silver Linings Playbook narrative.

Pros of Silver Linings Playbook;

  • The film was nominated for 8 Oscars during its release year,
  • It’s an uplifting romantic movie that shows you how to look on the bright side,
  • It’s easy to connect with even if the characters don’t have anything in common with you.

Cons of Silver Linings Playbook;

  • There is a lot of arguing in the film overall,
  • It takes quite a long time to do anything,
  • Many cinephiles will find this a generic mix of too many films they already love,
  • Mental illness to some degree is generalized quite a bit,
  • The finale comes too suddenly.

Netflix Romantic Movies You Must See

Heart Feels romantic movies on netflix
Marriage Story and Blue Valentine.

Marriage Story

Noah Baumbach made Marriage Story and it instantly became a film to love or hate. Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson are cast as Charlie and Nicole. The movie traverses the epicenter of a marriage breakdown which goes through the motions that almost all couples wade through. Nicole and Charlie have a son, Henry who has been swept up in the whirlwind of their parent’s destruction from a seemingly loving family unit before reaching a plateau of co-parenting.

Driver and Johansson are remarkably deep and engaging characters who despite their individual flaws keep managing to have you take one side or the others throughout the film. I don’t like movies that make you cry. Marriage Story didn’t quite get me there but if you come away from this one feeling lighter having seen at least one facet of your relationship break down, played out on screen, you’ll be the better for it.

A Film That Some Might Find Boring

Essentially the film plays out as a conversation for the entire narrative which counts toward the divisive enjoyment of many who’ve seen this. The cinematography is up close and personal and it wraps you up and drags you into its stratosphere. For the record, did I find Nicole and Charlie to be unlikeable from time to time? Sure, but they each represent the worst parts of us and that is what I loved about this film personally.

Pros for Marriage Story;

  • Performances are amazing,
  • Entirely relatable for anyone who’s ever been in love,
  • Marriage Story is a film that stays with you,
  • Incredible precise story writing.

Cons for Marriage Story;

  • Marriage Story will leave you with a heavy heart,
  • Those that didn’t like it found it simply too boring,
  • Younger cinephiles find it hard to connect with,
  • Reviews reported that Kramer VS Kramer or War of the Roses better represented this type of tale.

Heyday Films and Netflix

Blue Valentine (not on AU, see it on Stan)

Blue Valentine is another romantic film on Netlfix that travels the course of a relationship over a period of time. This time, Dean and Cindy are the couple in question played by Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling. A formidable pair on screen, Blue Valentine is well regarded for its exceptional dark and beautiful cinematography. Dean and Cindy have a daughter, Frankie who came to them when neither was ready.

Blue Valentine is a love story that defies its nature or nurture boundaries showing that 100% of the time our defeats and achievements define us overall. One of the highlights of this film is the performances of its main characters, Williams and Gosling are two characters that will remain in your mind’s eye long after the story begins to fade. They are that good.

As for the story, if you’re looking for a romantic movie on Netflix to break your heart so it can mend itself again, Blue Valentine is a must-see.

For an excellent user, review check out this one.

Pros for Blue Valentine

  • Two of the best performances you’ll ever see,
  • A film for people who understand that life isn’t perfect,
  • Unique storytelling.

Con’s for Blue Valentine

  • The film might contain too much sex for some,
  • Negative reviews report that the very nature of the characters was unrelatable. One user review asked how ‘life’ causes so many dramas.
  • Those that dislike stories derived from masochism might not enjoy this one.

Best Romance Movies on Netflix

Romance Movies to Watch on Netflix streaming no
Groundhog Day and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Romantic movies on Netflix.

Groundhog Day (not on AU, see it on Foxtel)

Easily one of the most referenced and amusing love stories of all time, Groundhog Day features two extremely likable characters. Bill Murray and Andie McDowell play Rita and Phil who inadvertently find each other when Phil is made to live the same day over and over again. Many films have been spawned from this concept but this will always remain a firm favorite for many. The jokes are funny, the narrative is witty and smart and the insertion of a romance at the epicenter of a film like this is genius. For a movie released in 1993, it really does age well. Its director Harold Ramis made heaps of other really great funny movies like Knocked Up and Ghostbusters. If you haven’t seen Groundhog Day you really ought to spend some time in quarantine giving this film a peek.

Pros of Groundhog Day;

  • Easily a film that highlights Bill Murray in his heyday doing what he does best.
  • Not overly saccharine for a rom-com, Groundhog Day has plenty of darker elements to counter the eventual sweetness,
  • Great one-liners, characters, and plenty of things to be invested in.

Cons of Groundhog Day;

  • I don’t have any cons, however, after reading through tonnes of reviews, some felt Phil’s predicament should have been explained. I don’t actually agree with this though.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before – Netflix Romantic Movies

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is a funny, well-written, and clever film that will give you that much-needed good feeling you might be looking for in a Netflix romance movie. Stories don’t come any cuter than this one, though and it stars Lana Condor and Noah Centineo as Lara Jean and Peter. It’s the classic storyline of popular boy meets not so popular girl but it’s done so well, that you’ll forget that you’ve seen it one hundred times before.

The basic story has Lara Jean writing letters to all the boys she has ever loved and keeping them in a special box. Similarly to if a secret journal you kept as a youngster was mailed out to every name mentioned inside it, the narrative explains just what might happen if that were the case. It’s simple and bright and will scratch that itch you might have for a sugary treat to make you feel better about whatever it is you need to feel better about.

Pros for To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before;

  • Natural scripting that’s easy to follow,
  • Makes you want to fall in love,
  • A happy movie with a sunshine veneer.

Cons for To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before;

  • Very much stereotypical,
  • Not original,
  • Cliched and predictable.
Annimated movies
I Lost My Body 2019 is streaming now on Netflix.

I Lost My Body

Last but not least, both an animation and world cinema, I Lost My Body (J’ai perdu mon corps) is a French Language film that was released in 2019 to the film festival circuit. A more than a poetic rendition of love and loss encapsulated in animation. I Lost My Body might just make you feel the ability to be able to see the reason in life that remain beautiful. Sure it’s a sad tale, it’s the main character Naoufel did not have the best of luck. In a seemingly innocuous moment, Naoufel delivers a pizza to Gabrielle and becomes infatuated after a conversation with her.

All the while a severed hand tries to make its way back to its original owner.

Pros of I Lost My Body;

  • Might make you think about the meaning of life,
  • Beautiful imagery for an animation,
  • A layered and intricate narrative.

Cons of I Lost My Body;

  • Some viewers might not connect with the metaphoric storyline,
  • Might just look like pretty pictures rather than an actual story,
  • An open-ended finale might frustrate those who like a linear storyline.

Honorable mentions go to Her, A Ghost Story, About Time, The Lobster, Chasing Amy, The Crying Game, and Corpse Bride.

If you hate romantic movies and want something else to watch, check out this double review for Code 8 and Freaks. Two science fiction films you need to see.