The Houses October Built poster
The Houses October Built
the houses october built series

Director: Bobby Roe

Date Created: 2014-10-10 11:44

Editor's Rating:

Where many find the found footage technique a lazy way to make a film, I find it a little more personal. It makes me feel like I’m watching someone’s home movie. The Houses October Built full movie and The Houses October Built 2 are semi-documentary horror film. I think both are done well and are very effective in creating an added level of atmosphere other films don’t have.

Firstly let’s talk about indie movies. In my opinion, if filmmakers can continue making movies that cost less and can still keep up with the bigger film studious like Paramount who did Cloverfield (2008) for $25 million, then I am all for smaller independent production companies to keep pumping out keepsakes like The Houses October Built for under $3 million.

The Houses October Built Trailer

Haunted Houses in The Houses Built Movie

  • Writer: Bobby Roe.
  • Director: Bobby Roe.
  • Writer: Zack Andrews and Bobby Roe.
  • Date of Release: September 2017.
  • Genre: Found footage horror.
  • Fun Fact The main cast of The Houses October Built all go by their own names. The five friends’ names are Bobby, Zack, and Brandy. Mikey and Jeff.
The Houses October Built
The Houses October Built

Where to Watch The Houses October Built Movies

For “The Houses October Built” stream advice see the movie-watching app, The Houses October Built watch it via the link below in your region as a rental or for free using a subscription.

  • The Houses October Built
  • Director: Bobby Roe.
  • Writers: Zack Andrews, Bobby Roe, and Jeff Larson.
  • Date of Release: October 2014.
  • Genre: Found footage horror.
  • Studio: RLJE Films

“I’m not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted houses. I’m afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings”

Walter Jon Williams, Quote from the horror movies The Houses October Built

The Houses October Built Movie

Some of my favorite films use In Media Res (which means a movie that starts in the middle or near the end). This film uses it to create tension where there is none. Films like Deadpool (2016) Kill Bill (2003) and The Butterfly Effect (2004) are the ones that spring to mind and use this technique best. When I think about movies I like those that leave you wondering how and when things will take a turn for the worse.

Brandy from the original film is first on the scene. A semi-conscious, blood-covered mess is being plunked into a car trunk. I didn’t watch the trailer before seeing this film nor did I read anything referring to its plot. I simply decided on Halloween Eve to watch the original and its sequel back to back. When I realized it was a pseudo-documentary of horror haunts in America on Halloween, I was so very excited.

I found the storyline in The Houses October Built easy to navigate and I understand the appeal of wanting to find the scariest attraction. This is what made it relatable for me.  The quest to find the Blue Skeleton and find out whether it is as scary as people say is not as far-fetched as it may seem. When weird things happen, it left me wondering whether to put it down to Halloween. The tension builds slowly when it is clear something isn’t right.

Is The Houses October Built a Good Movie?

This movie is subtle and creepy. It introduces trouble along the way and snippets of footage not filmed by the group that show up online. I was kept vigilant to signs of who it might be that was watching them.

The Houses October Built film gives behind-the-scenes footage of famous haunts and I enjoyed the commentary from horror enthusiasts. I loved the introductory quote; “I’m not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted houses. I’m afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings” as I felt it pointed out there could be a line crossed within the film. If you like your horror to maintain the eerie mystery and leave the answers within your imagination then this film will leave you satisfied without even seeing the sequel.

The Houses October Built rating

4 chainsaw-wielding rabbits out of 5.

“Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.”

Marilyn Manson quote in The Houses October Built movie
The Houses October Built 2
Is the Houses October Built real? Purchase The Houses October Built DVD on Amazon

The Houses October Built 2

The sequel, The Houses October Built 2, starts where the earlier film finished. The friends are now traumatized from their experiences at the haunted house attractions. However, the old premise of ‘face your fears’ becomes their new mantra, and their passion for finding the best scares prevails.

Lured by the promise of financial gain they again embark on a road trip in an RV to find the best scare events. In “The Houses October Built 2”, this time some of the remaining groups don’t want anything to do with actual haunted house attractions. They stick to the road well-traveled and do nothing described as extreme.

Zack hears about a place called Hellbent and there are hints that all is not what it seems. Someone is watching them. While they are busy facing their fears, their fears might be back to face their realities.

Has Blue Skeleton come back to finish what they started?

The Houses October Built 2 Review

I had a criticism early in the film and after finishing it I set about reading interviews with Bobby Roe to find out why it happened. I quickly discovered that it was an oversight attempting to prove why Brandy agreed to come along. Dropping a few lines about her having some money troubles didn’t really do it for me. To explain the new camera views featuring aerial shots of parts of their journey, they bought a drone which was an expensive gift for the cameraman. However, having an expensive RV to drive around opposed any money troubles and set the movie off on bad footing.

The group is lured by the promise of money. Each haunt wants to pay them for their attendance. If Zack had been the one cited as broke by investing in his newfound fame,  Brandy may have felt obligated to help him. That’s my take on a better explanation.

This movie is not as good as the original, it lacks the foreboding darkness of the first film. The guys promise Brandy they won’t attend places titled haunted houses. Instead, they venture into slightly comedic, mostly fun horror-themed events. Although this eases Brandy into a headspace of safety, the edge has well and truly been taken off.

I’m awestruck and completely jealous of the amount and scale America makes of their horror-themed shows. The Haunted Hayride and the Zombie Run blew my mind when I compared them to the options I have here in Australia. Showcasing these events meant there were always plenty of people around. This added to a decline in the creep factor as well.

“The House October Built 2”

My choice to watch these two scary house movies on Halloween night was an excellent decision. This one isn’t as scary as the first film, but if you want a backstage pass to the coolest and scariest horror-themed things across America then these two won’t disappoint. For people who need to watch something tame after a scary film so they can sleep, the sequel will help with that too.

I enjoyed the last scenes and the way it was orchestrated. The complexity and involvement of the Blue Skeleton group allowed me to think beyond the movie and wonder if there would be a new installment.

Bobby Roe hinted during an interview that a third movie was not off the cards. In fact, I saw a comment that alluded to the next one concentrating their efforts within a different country. The sequel isn’t bad if you look at it as a travel brochure of places to visit on your next trip to America with some great answers missing in the original film.

For another great found footage recommendation, Mother of Movies recommends, Long Pigs.

The Houses October Built 2 is rated

 3.5 laser titties out of 5

The Houses October Built True Story

But is The Houses October Built based on a true story? Are these scary events in the haunted houses based on real stories? Actually no, but there are several news articles about accidental deaths at several haunted house attractions. The Houses October Built, however, is entirely fictional.

As the narrative in the “Houses October Built” full movie, we see 5 friends take a road trip. It’s leading up to Halloween and they want to try to find the scariest most extreme haunted houses in America. The movie, filmed documentary-style shows brief interviews held with staff who work at the haunts.

Because they are filming and asking questions, some of the hosts who hold the haunted events become aggressively annoyed at their presence. After visiting some popular actual haunted attractions the group becomes privy to the name of an underground haunted house called Blue Skeleton. Blue Skeleton is rumored to enlist people willing to use real torture but no one can say for sure how far they will really go.

Just what or who is Blue Skeleton and who keeps uploading footage of their group to the horror forums on the web?

The Houses October Built 2
the houses october built series

Director: Bobby Roe

Date Created: 2017-10-22 11:46

Editor's Rating: