PVT Chat Poster courtesy of Dark Star Pictures

Ben Hozie is the writer and director behind PVT Chat 2020. A story very much in contemporary stride with today’s ability to keep much of our relationships online. If you’re not up to speed with the terminology behind PVT Chat, it simply means private. The source behind it is usually a PVT chat app or messenger platform. Hozie’s story is about what many of us humans are lacking. Is being social a dying art? Isolation, loneliness, and feeling cut off from one another can lead to many different schools of thought on how to fill that gap.

“PVT Chat 2020” premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival. It was met with enthusiastic reviews from many outlets. The dark drama movie was released finally in 2021. Audience responses were a little on the divisive side. Some hated the film and others simply thought it was underrated. PVT Chat examines the life of a sex worker to some degree. It probes what it’s like to be addicted and how that affects the lives of people it captures. The storyline is relatable even if it’s sleazy and slimy and not what most of us have experienced. The grey area between IRL (in real life) experiences and those that are online is confusing and that’s what this film tries to explain.

Movies About Sex Workers

Jack (played by Peter Vack) is a guy who likes cam-girls. Between gambling online and frequenting massage parlors he is not the go-getter he says he is. From his apartment, he drops cash on his girls as if he is living a fast life. Jack supplies stories about his latest tech inventions and likes to be dominated.

His newest flavor of the month, Scarlett (Julia Fox), fills the screen with a drenched red hue. She is dressed in latex and willing to have Jack be her b*tch. That’s what Jack likes. Despite all this, Jack wants a deeper level of intimacy and pays her more and more to tell him about her life. When he spots her in the city one night, his interest takes a more obsessive stance.

The film’s production does not shy away from exposing the underbelly of Jack’s exploits from his room. One is in which he maintains his digital relationship with Scarlett on his laptop. In fact, PVT Chat is not a film you should watch with Nanna, especially if you ever need to make eye contact with her again.

The Movie From Ben Hozie

Jack’s not a likable character, but his loneliness and desire to ponder life’s mysteries are. One mystery, in particular, gets asked more than once. Do we, as people, ever do or want anything without truly thinking we will get something out of it in return? As Jack spends his life placating his needs he maintains his facade as a high flyer. To all his gambling talents is a work of skill. Cash comes easy to him, he says and his future is all lined up.

Scarlett (Julia Fox) lives a double life, just as Jack does. PVT Chat does touch on themes from the angle of being a sex worker as well as how relationships are often multifaceted and misused.

Hozie creates a universe in which the intention is to show that not all connections are created equal. In that regard the film is successful. However, for me, I felt that there was some disconnect in the realism between Jack and Scarlett. As two people who strive to manipulate and take what they require from others, it made little sense that Jack especially did not foresee being taken advantage of.

Private Chat Apps

The film overall certainly has depth and really maintains an intimacy not often shown in films of this ilk. Cinematography is up close and personal so there’s no escaping what it wants you to see and what it doesn’t. Pacing lacked some spontaneity so there were times I would have liked to see Jack be less predictable and more volatile. He’s definitely the most sedate unstable and disheveled character I’ve come across in a while.

PVT Chat cast includes Julia Fox Movies about Private Chat Online
PVT Chat cast includes Julia Fox. Movies about Private Chat Online
  • PVT CHAT – Ben Hozie writer and director for a movie about a secret chat app for lovers. The drama movie was acquired as a screener for review purposes. Mother of Movies was part of the official press for the Fantasia Film Festival 2020.
  • The PVT Chat cast includes Peter Vack, Julia Fox, Keith Poulson, Buddy Duress, Nikki Belfiglio, Kevin Moccia, and Atticus Cain.

Pvt Chat Movie Where to Watch

You can watch the PVT Chat movie online as either a rental or a digital download. There are a few streaming platforms with the “PVT Chat” movie for free with a subscription (such as Mubi in the USA.) See the below JustWatch app information to find out where to watch the film in your region.

For more movies that feature sex workers or sexy things watch the documentary Morgana, the horror comedy Butt Boy or the Soska Sisters, The Edge film next.

PVT Chat Official Trailer from Vertical Entertainment

YouTube video

I give PVT Chat

3.5 dildos and chains out of 5

3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5
PVT Chat (Review) Sexy Private Messenger - Mother of Movies
PVT Chat Poster courtesy of Dark Star Pictures

Director: Ben Hozie

Date Created: 2020-08-21 17:28

Editor's Rating: