Guy Moshe’s “LX 2048” plot wants you to imagine a world where the sun is too hot. Where technology is at a stage where it lets you be plugged in as a way of life. Where your hours are spent in an alternate reality called The Realm and a drug called Lithium X will make you not stress out over it. The sun is toxic and this is a dystopian future that would certainly get old, and fast.
All just a little too close for comfort to be a far-off distant science fiction world. Luckily, the idea is just far-fetched enough to allow you to buy what writer-director Moshe is selling. Add to the scenario that human cloning is in full swing and let’s face it, it’s really the only thing that separates this fiction from reality.
The LX 2048 movie is a noble idea with a noble consciousness. The story hangs on by the mere thread of the fact that even in 2020, technology is such a staple and isolation is such a reality it’s easy to blame the former for the latter. The narrative stems from Moshe’s own marriage breakdown mirroring his own dynamic of a wife and 3 kids. Of course, the story doesn’t mimic his own situation entirely. Moshe meshed together common themes and issues across many relationships he was privy to.
Lithium X Pills LX 2048 (2020)
With a setting and atmosphere that reminded me of the science fiction movie Upgrade, the story follows Adam who has somehow set himself apart from everyone else. The rest of the world has adjusted their lives to fit within the confines of working at night. Everyone dutifully takes their anti-depression pills. Adam on the other hand dons a hazmat suit each day and attends the empty offices to continue his work for a large VR tech company. He won’t take his Lithium X pills either. Adam has an emotional backbone where being able to feel anger and sadness makes him justify his existence.
If You’re Not Plugged In, Is Your Technology Obsolete?
Adam is told he is dying. In a high-tech world, his heart is failing. Flashbacks recount moments before this delivery of tragic news. His marriage has broken down and his kids live with their mother now. At the height of his successful career, his company’s tech was top-of-the-line. In this futuristic setting, families with children are uncommon. His status and family unit makes him a prime candidate for a new system of life insurance. Death in 2048 is but a minor hiccup. Thoughts and feelings will be transferred into a chip for a replacement clone. Best of all, spouses fill in a form that allows control of the end result of the clone.
If anything LX 2048 (2020) will definitely give you food for thought. Especially if you like to immerse yourself in the concept of your own mortality, the universe, and what makes us human. Performances from husband and wife Adam (James D’Arcy) and Reena (Anna Brewster) are clear and emotive. Their marriage woes are entirely believable and relatable on many levels. In addition, James D’Arcy gives a memorable portrayal of someone who is in essence a contradiction to his own beliefs and fantasies about happiness.
The Sun Is Toxic in LX 2048
More to the point, Adam comes more as a result of self-flagellation than as an offering of martyrdom. In what seems to be a statement about the rise of technology infecting the world today, it’s hard to overlook Adams’s failure to be part of his own family unit. His decision to set himself apart at a time when situational circumstances afforded him new ways to spend time with his kids, he chose work. Adam chose an AI mistress over fixing his own relationship.
Overall, LX 2048 goes a long way to beat itself back into a position of subterfuge with an ending that never matches up with the voracity of its topic. The finale is bitter-sweet. Too silly to be satisfying but creepy enough to suffice.
LX 2048 movie is rated
3.5 misogynist tales from the future out of 5

Where to Watch the LX 2048 Movie (2020)
LA 2048 Premiered in Virtual Cinemas and North American VOD on September 25th, 2020. Do you want to watch the LX 2048 movie? For where to watch LX 2048, see the link below and find it streaming in your region.
LX 2048 is streaming on:
- Mother of Movies acquired LX2048, a dystopian drama as a screener for review purposes.
- LX 2048 movie cast has Gabrielle Cassi, Anna Brewster, James D’Arcy, and Delroy Lindo.
- For another movie where the air is toxic instead of the sun, watch The Fix next.
LX 2048 Film Shows How To Survive The Toxic Sun - Mother of Movies

Director: Guy Moshe
Date Created: 2020-09-25 00:00