I have this friend, let’s call him Kieron. He attended the Grimmfest online festival this year and we were discussing movies. He kindly advised that I should watch The Special as my next press item to cover. I generally like his taste in horror and put it on later that night. Grimmfest 2020 is great like that.
Mother of Movies resides in Australia and Kieron lives halfway across the world, but we both got to enjoy fare from one of the best film festivals ever. It’s the kind of happy ending I like. Halfway through The Special, I noted a few things. Firstly, this is not a mainstream easy peasy general admission type of film. It’s also not the type of movie that you should watch with your nanna or perhaps your mother.
For you see, the story sets off with Jerry and Mike. Close buddies who love nothing more than working through their marital problems by hashing out their woes. When Jerry holds the notion that his wife has been less than faithful, his mate Mike rakes him to a lovely brothel whose clients only gain entry via exclusive word of mouth. But what’s so unfamiliar about a story like that you ask? Well, listen closely.
This lovely establishment not only offers normal rudimentary bordello services. It comes complete with lovely ladies who all sidle up to Mike upon entry. There is also a mystical Madam who just happens to be a renowned fortune teller to boot. And of course, they offer… The Special.
Stick It In Here For A Happy Ending
Jerry isn’t keen to just dive into the deep end of revenge against his supposed adulterous wife. Keen to impress his friend, Mike suggests he just take ‘the special.’ a no-frills way to whet his whistle without the pesky drama of actual personal service. From here Jerry is led to a dark room that confusingly houses a box. The box sits on a table lovingly scribed with the words “stick it in here.” So Jerry does.

Where to Watch The Special Streaming
The Special is streaming on:
The writers behind this peculiar premise are James Newman and Mark Steenland, who neither have highly regarded nor noteworthy films preceding The Special. The director, B Harrison Smith, was responsible for Death House. Anyone who set out to watch that one knows the only thing going for it was it housed just about every B-movie horror actor known to man. A bone could be thrown its way for the solid effects but otherwise a train wreck. Had it not been for my usually trustworthy friend, I would have skipped over this one too.
Love Story? No?
The effects are solid and sordid. Performances, especially Jerry’s who is played by Davy Raphaely are good. Both seedy and gruff, the security detail for the whore house, Ivan, played by Doug Henderson is also a memorable presence in the film’s tidy storyline. A cleaning lady with almost no lines was not only a neat addition to seam out the kinks but Sheri Fairchild gives a certain charm to her small but important bit part. Look out for Fairchild in the Terrifier 2.
The thing about “The Special” film though is it’s entirely watchable. To present a whole 94 minutes of one man consistently sticking his wiener in a box is quite the car crash I could not look away from. Jerry becomes addicted to whatever it is inside that is showing him the best time of his life. That is, he does after he accidentally kills the mystical madam and scurries off with the box. It’s easy to see where this narrative is going when Jerry rents an apartment to get additional uninterrupted alone time with his newest love. He begins to look not so hot and he’s additionally very worried about whatever is locked inside the box.
For all intentions, I can’t help but recommend this oddball and crass horror movie with what cannot be described as anything but one that decidedly has a very happy ending. Just not for Jerry.
I give The Special
3.5 love with a box is still love out of 5
The Special Movie Review
- Director: B. Harrison Smith (Death House & Camp Dread)
- Writers: James Newman (Still Waters), Mark Steensland (The Last Way Out.)
- The Special film cast includes Davy Raphaely, Dave Sheridan, Sarah French, Tony Barber, Paul Cottman, Susan Moses, Sheri Fairchild, and Lisa Budwig.
- The special was acquired as a screener as part of the press for Grimmfest 2020.