Keep Watching 2018

The best home invasion horror movies are the ones that fly under the radar. The movie, “Keep Watching” is a solid and underrated film in that niche. The Keep Watching cast includes Chandler Riggs, Natalie Martinez, Ioan Gruffudd, and Bella Thorne. The premise for Keep Watching about a home invasion starts with a killer and he’s on the loose. T

Home Invasion Horror Stories With Tech

The crime spree is in the news and people are tuning in. This killer is different, he likes to make a game of it and watches your every move. How can he see you? Who will be next? If it’s a game, how do you win? Keep Watching is a great movie if you like home invasion films combined with tech horror and Bella Thorne with her clothes on.

For starters, the Keep Watching cast was decent. Bella Thorne plays Jamie and she is perfectly suited to roles like this. She’s been in the biz for a long time. Chandler Riggs is the kid everyone loves to hate in The Walking Dead but I was personally excited to see him on the big screen in a different role. He looks so young here in comparison to his grown-up role as Carl. Riggs plays Jamie’s brother JD, and for his first role outside the hit series, he takes to his surroundings with the ease you would expect from someone who’s been in a long-running successful franchise. And he managed to make being a fledgling younger kid look cool.

Keep Watching, takes the premise of a movie I thought had an edge like Hangman (2015), and cranks it up to 11. It has the familiar atmospheric tension created by the mask-covered Purge faces and adds cameras to the mix.

Keep Watching 2017

After ticking nearly all the boxes for me in premises like home invasion plus a gimmicky killer, the horror and thriller film made a few horror mistakes. These things just keep popping up in movies and I’m amazingly annoyed. Keep Watching does well in that area as far as character development. As for the dialogue, however, who on earth are these people wandering around their house in the dark calling out:

“Hello! Is anyone there”

Horror tropes Mother of Movies hates. Keep Watching quotes

Never Leave Your Door Unlocked Again

Any movie can be almost ruined for me by certain movie horror tropes. This is my top personal pet peeve in horror movies. Now, I tend to notice and give an approving nod when I hear the catchphrase used appropriately. In Keep Watching the example is in a scene involving Carl (played by Ioan Gruffudd from Unreal and Horrible Bosses 2011.) If it’s all getting weird enough that you need to grab a knife, why keep calling out ‘Who’s there?’ Just stop it already and make a good decision. Stop calling out “Who’s there,” I beg you.

Gripes aside, there are some awesome long shots included with the taut cinematography. The killer in Keep Watching is just visible in the background while normal activities are present in the foreground. I like this viewpoint, I think it’s effective. In addition, I think this film wants to perhaps be in the League of Purge but somehow left me slightly unsatisfied in the last acts. Overall, though, some excellent devices used by the killer weren’t things I had seen before.

Where Can I Watch Keep Watching?

This great violent home invasion movie is worth watching if you like home invasion horror movies. If you would like to watch this title for free on platforms like Fubo in the USA. In other regions Keep Watching is available as a rental. But for more ways to watch, go to for more information.

Keep Watching 2017 is rated

3.5 mysterious balloons out of 5

3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5
Mother of Movies score
Keep Watching 2018 movie review
Image via Voltage Pictures

Watch the Film Trailer on Mother of Movies

Watch the Portuguese language home invasion thriller Property or He’s Out There next. Alternatively if you can’t go past a storyline about intruders encroaching on your literal peace, add Breaking In | The Last to See Them.

Keep Watching the Full Movie Release Date and Cast

  • Released: May October 2017.
    Budget for Keep Watching Movie: About $5 million.
    Director: Sean Carter.
    Screenplay Writer: Joseph Dembner.
    Keep Watching cast includes Bella Thorne, Chandler Riggs, Natalie Martinez, and, Ioan Gruffudd. Leigh Whannel (Saw and The Invisible Man) is also amongst the cast for Keep Watching as the mysterious intruder, Matt.
  • Studio: Voltage Pictures Distributor: Screen Gems