Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death poster

So, there’s this filmmaker named Justin Armao who made a Bloodsucka Jones movie in 2013. I haven’t seen it myself, but from what I’ve heard, the sequel, Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death, might not be that different. Anyway, now the film is out on Amazon Prime for everyone to watch. It starts with a young girl on roller skates, totally clueless about the impending danger around her. Suddenly, zombies with glowing eyes show up and that’s when we meet Bloodsucka Jones. Before we dive into the action, there’s a cool cartoon scene that quickly recaps what went down in the previous film. So, that’s the story so far!

Catching You Up on the Story of Bloodsucka Jones

David met Christine but found out Christine was a vampire. Christine’s brother Stewart is also a vampire and has a bunch of vampire friends and they all hang out together. David got Tony to help him try and eradicate the vampires but couldn’t so he called Bloodsucka Jones instead. Jones has a protege, Vanessa, and they both help David and Tony learn the ways of vampire hunting. Another vampire Heather bites David who is then killed by Tony. Following this Christine mows down Stewart in her car and the sequel begins in the hospital as Stewart and David sit at a table together, playing chess.

Is Bloodsucka Jones Still A Vampire?

Soon enough we discover that Stewart is no longer a vampire. In the accident, he lost too much blood and is now back to his human form. In between, there are sexy nurses, nurses with accents, and sponge baths. Stewart decides he will gather the zombies to eradicate the vampires instead. He plots and positions himself in several ways enlisting the assistance of people along the way.

The storyline is so confusing that from the onset, I felt like I missed an important plot point the entire way through. Even after watching Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death, reading a few reviews, going back, and listening to the prologue again, I’m still at a loss. I can only conclude either Mother of Movies’ funny bone has malfunctioned or that the narrative was so incohesive there wasn’t supposed to be a point.

Either way, I didn’t have as much fun with this horror comedy as many other critics did. I also wasn’t a fan of all of the cinematography. For example, the frame is zoomed in on special effects plastic representing skin, being ripped off during random and oddly sequenced attacks by a group of undead. The rest of the movie was executed with finesse and a certain quirkiness that many would like. It’s bright, and enthusiastic and makes good use of popular techniques from other films I like.

You’ll Like This Movie If You Smoke A Bowl

There are plenty of complimentary aesthetics within the run time of course, and not all of it was bad. However, Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death was not my cup of tea. It felt more like a deconstructed sequence of random scenes than a complete film.

Performances were great for such a large cast, but I didn’t warm to any of them. What impressed me was the scale of the production. There is no denying the effort that went into this bonkers movie. The set design and costuming showed masses of enthusiasm for the style they were going for. There was this funky Lazer cardboard guy called Cheedo that kind of looked like The Predator if the Predator was made of cardboard.

There are plenty of singular elements to enjoy if you like this kind of thing. If you’re looking for something to watch with people who love the ridiculous, then Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death is available to watch right now.

I give Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death

2 Cheedo likes ice cream because he’s so chill out of 5

Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death Trailer

  • Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death is available free on Amazon Prime (with a subscription) or Blu-Ray on Amazon.
  • Director and writer: Justin Armao.
  • Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death was made on an estimated budget of $ 40,000. The film was acquired as a screener for review purposes.
  • Starring Preston Gant (Little Women L.A.), Jennifer Runyon (Ghostbusters, Charles in Charge), Justin Armao, Alan Maxson (Godzilla: King of the Monsters), Matt Kelly, Mindy Robinson (King of the Nerds), Nalini Krishan (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones), Maria Canapino, Jason Trost (The FP, Beats of Rage) Jessica Dercks, and Erin Holt.
Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death Maria and Cheedo
Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death Maria and Cheedo
Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death Vampire Sequel
Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death poster

Director: Justin Armao

Date Created: 2018-04-28 10:17

Editor's Rating:


  • Bloodsucka Jones uses practical effects in a fun and comedic way.
  • The title has an interesting storyline that includes zombies and sexy nurses.


  • The narrative is not constructed well.
  • Set design is not exectuted to a high level which is expected in film.