Review by Daniel Hess. Any Virgin Left Alive? is a 2016 experimental horror short film directed by Bertrand Mandico. Any Virgin Left Alive? is a short film that puts a new meaning to media bias, framing a short film that retells the legend of Joan of Arc in a new meaning that is dripping with experimental charm.
‘Any Virgin Left Alive’ short film brings an embodiment of childlike wonder. It mixes this wonder with the horrific dread the European middle ages would have had. It’s as if Jim Henson himself directed Hellraiser. In framing this land as some twisted place of vibrancy, the true terror shines through in an even more shocking fashion.
From trees that sodomize young virgins to human sacrifices, to a horse that deflowers Joan of Arc herself, this short is certainly not for the faint of heart. Framing a narrative around someone who obviously has a terrible hatred for Joan of Arc, even referring to her as Joan the slut, is a bold if not controversial choice given the chauvinistic tendencies the film takes on.
Any Virgin Left Alive?
It is through these bold strokes that we truly see the deep level of uniqueness that this film can create. It is surely a spectacle that will stick with you long after the film wraps up. Mandico is not holding back on his artistic freedom, which is welcome. Any Virgin Left Alive? is a trippy short, like a segment of Sesame Street on LSD and, is one surely not to miss. As long as you go into the piece with an open mind and can embrace the dark humor on display, you will walk away forever looking at Joan of Arc from a unique perspective.
Any Virgin Left Alive?
Gets 3.5 Tree penises out of 5

Any Virgin Left Alive? can be viewed on FILMPIXS. The newest platform for the world’s best short film and documentary collections. Get your free trial and watch some horror and fantasy short film festival favorites. Watch it here on Vimeo.

- Director: Bertrand Mandico / Length: 9 min. / France
- Produced by Ecce Films / Distributed by FILMPIXS
- Writers: Elina Löwensohn and Bertrand Mandico
- Starring: Elina Löwensohn, Eva Maloisel and, Thomas Arnold
- The film was acquired as a screener for review purposes, Mother of Movies works as press for Fantasia Film Festival.
- More short films: Radical Spirits Short film collection