Rogue Hostage courtesy of Vertical Entertainment

It’s fair to say, Mother of Movies finds action and thriller movies a little ho-hum, sometimes. I would much prefer an action horror film like Bloody Hell or Mayhem. Rogue Hostage was entertaining. It was well-acted by its seasoned cast. What’s more, the villain, Eagan, is the centerpiece that holds everything together quite nicely.

If you’ve already read a few Rogue Hostage reviews, you’ll find the main complaints surrounding the premise. Here, a single dad slash ex-soldier slash Child Protection Officer just happens to get stuck inside a store as it gets taken over.

Our main man Kyle begins his journey on the back foot. The store he happened to drop into belongs to his stepfather, Sam. He’s with Clove, the partner of one of the managers, Sunshine. Together they have a small boy in tow, Manny. Kyle is far too invested in the people within the store to deal with anything in a reasonable fashion. Plus, he suffers from PTSD and once the bullets start flying he loses his sh*t.

Rogue Hostage starring Tyrese Gibson
Rogue Hostage starring Tyrese Gibson

Rogue Hostage is a Solid B-Movie

At best Rogue Hostage is a B-movie that will pass the time. At worst, the CGI gun blasts might be of some annoyance. The hostages don’t do much except provide the necessary filler required. Choreography is a tad underwhelming. Sunshine and her sticky-fingered side-kick, Mikki watch from a locked room in the back.

When we learn about her psychology-addled skill set, though handy, she provides nothing that makes you invest in the story more. Everything is pinned on whether or not Eagan’s suicide vest is real or not. Sunshine says it’s not. She knows these kinds of people. This logic must also apply to many of the armed doors in this action and thriller movie. Nothing detonates. Maybe all the bombs were purchased on Wish.

On the positive side, John Malkovich and Michael Jai White are in it and they bring more energy within their small bit-parts than most of the rest of the film. White’s character Sparks’ wears a dapper blue suit that steals the scene. Malkovich always holds a certain presence that makes you look back at the screen. If you were looking away that is.

Is Rogue Hostage a Die-Hard Rip-Off?

Is Rogue Hostage a rip-off of Die Hard? That’s what people are saying. Sure there are a few commonalities. There’s a store and there are hostages and some guys at the helm who want to be heard. But for me, there are so many ways to tell a story, I think it’s kind of unfair to burden familiar territory with the branding of ‘rip off.’ But that’s just me. Is this particular film a bit on the color-by-numbers side? That’s where I would agree.

The storyline is certainly formulaic and that’s where the monotony comes in, instead of nail-biting tension and originality. These sorts of things happen across all genres. Sometimes you need a film you can guarantee being drunk won’t affect your ability to understand what’s happening. Rogue Hostage is that type of movie.

I give Rogue Hostage

2 suits to get shot in out of 5

2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies
2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies

Teaser Trailer for Rogue Hostage

YouTube video

Where is Rogue Hostage Streaming?

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Distributed By:Vertical Entertainment
In Select Theaters & On Demand:June 11, 2021
Directed By:Jon Keeyes
Written By:Mickey Solis
Produced By:Jordan Yale Levine, Jordan Beckerman, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Keeyes
Starring:Tyrese Gibson, John Malkovich, Michael Jai White, Christopher Backus, Luna Lauren Velez, Holly Taylor
Rogue Hostage release date and production information

Action Thriller Movie, Rogue Hostage Movie Review - Mother of Movies

Director: Jon Keeyes

Date Created: 2021-06-11 19:57

Editor's Rating: