You Cannot Kill David Arquette, A Documentary About Fame
Can the documentary-style film “You Cannot Kill David Arquette”, convince you that the man who starred in the hit horror movie franchise Scream was typecast? Can it show you a different side to the actor legions of fans know and love? More to the point, can this film give credibility to the realism of championship wrestling? Maybe, maybe not. What it does do is begin with the idea that Arquettes’ love of the sport, known for its dramatics on the mats, is what killed his career. What is suggested is that because he played Dewey Riley in Scream 1, 2, 3, and 4, he was typecast as a goofball only compounded by his pile-driving moves into pro wrestling. If all this sounds a bit off the rails, wait until you watch the whole film.
You Cannot Kill David Arquette hints at sabotage that all stems from his celebrity appearance in World Championship Wrestling. A long-time fan, first-time appearance, he’s seen in the ring showing as much enthusiasm as any crazed sports fan allowed to brush shoulders with their idol. But it didn’t stop there. A representative of the sport decided to award Arquette the title. In 2000, David Arquette won the World Heavyweight Championship. According to a few officials and a couple of fans in the documentary, the whole wrestling world now hated David Arquette. His involvement as a celebrity wasn’t the issue. The issue was that the culture of wrestling frowned on this. Arquette was so affected by the idea that he was being seen as a smear in the wrestling world, he carried the guilt for more than 18 years.

World Championship Wrestling 2000
The documentary continues to flog the idea that reversing wrestling fans’ opinions could correct Arquette’s life course. What did occur to me personally was my inability to empathize with someone who lives such a blessed life. Because his career didn’t reach the heights that he dreamed of, he is unhappy with his lot in life. In making and being a part of a story like this, I was left unsure what the big picture was. Was it just about earning the respect of wrestling fans? The entire runtime maintains its stamina towards showing us what he missed out on because he feels like he is known as “just” some guy that starred in a well-known horror movie.
Mother of Movies is not a fan of wrestling so I tried to be analytical about my view on this documentary. I considered the number of fans that think Scream is the best horror movie ever. How many probably think Dewey is one of the most well-known horror movie characters there is. How one guy in You Cannot Kill David Arquette said;
“David Arquette is coming back as a cyborg in Scream 4 because you simply can’t kill him”
Quote form some guy in the documentary You Cannot Kill David Arquette
The actor from my favorite horror movie is saying this simply isn’t enough. Quite frankly, that insults a whole different crowd of fans.
What is Fame Anyway?
The fact is if there was a recipe for elitist fame everyone would be famous. The only thing slightly relatable here is that lots of people want to be in the cool group. No matter what their status. That doesn’t mean everyone gets to be in it. In saying that though, the man was best friends with Luke Perry, married Courtney Cox, and her doppelganger Christina McLarty, and is one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. Despite whether he thinks so or not. And certainly despite whether he is accepted into the brotherhood of Pro Wrestling. But to give credit where credit is due, his dedication to winning over sports fans powered simply by his obsessive love for the sport and the desire to be respected was pretty kick-a**.
What I was convinced of while watching this documentary was the apparent scorn Arquette absorbed and carried for 18 years was not really his fault. As an actor, he was directed to play a part and he did that. He did it as a fan and a performer. He grabbed that opportunity and ran with it. Wrestling didn’t cause his acting career to crumble (if that’s what it did.) But perhaps his attitude towards it could be a factor.
I give You Cannot Kill David Arquette
2.5 is David Arquette in Scream 4? out of 5

You Cannot Kill David Arquette Movie
Featuring appearances by Courteney Cox, Ric Flair, Patricia Arquette, Diamond Dallas Page, Rosanna Arquette, and Mick Foley, YOU CANNOT KILL DAVID ARQUETTE. Available on digital platforms from September 6, 2021, in Australia via Blue Finch Film Releasing. See below for other streaming offers.
The official trailer, You Cannot Kill David Arquette – Sep 6, video by OC Trailers.
How to Watch The You Cannot Kill David Arquette Movie
You Cannot Kill David Arquette is streaming on: