Tumbbad 2018
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“Tumbbad” Narrated In Hindi, A Stunning Indian Horror Movie

A period horror film set in India narrated in Hindi, the Tumbbad movie tells the story of the Goddess of Prosperity. Once upon a time, a goddess was a mother to 160 million gods. Her firstborn was called Hastar who was known for being the greediest god of them all. His mother loved him mostly despite this. For more Indian horror movies in Hindi, check out the end of the Tumbbad review.

The Tumbbad movie plot follows the God Hastar. All of the other gods attacked Hastar and one day his mother saved him from being killed. Her protection came at a cost however and the condition was that he could no longer be worshipped. In time he would be forgotten. He fell asleep in his mother’s womb for a very long time. The story of the Tumbbad village and its people is endearing. The fantasy-horror movie as a whole is a beautiful cinematic fiesta for the eyes.

A shrine was built for him by some people in the village of Tumbbad which woke Hastar from his slumber. He stayed within his dwelling but the other gods were angry he was again being worshiped and made it rain all the time in the village. Vinayak narrates the story to his son. He recounts the story of Hastar, its riches, and the dangers associated with keeping the god alive.

Tumbbad 2018
Dhundiraj Prabhakar Jogalekar plays young Vinayak

Tumbbad Horror & Fantasy Movie Trailer

For another excellent Hindi language horror movie, watch Shaitaan.

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Tumbbad Movie Review

If you’re someone who truly appreciates a captivating narrative, then the Tummbad movie is an absolute must-watch for you. The film digs deep with exceptional cinematography, diverse and intriguing characters, and breathtaking aesthetics. Despite being categorized as a horror film, this multicultural gem stands apart from the typical terrifying scenes depicted in many Western movies. Instead, it gracefully incorporates a fantastical element into every frame, bringing to life a dark and eerie storyline akin to reading a spellbinding book.

Is Tumbbad Suitable For Children to Watch?

I wouldn’t recommend the Tummbad movie as being suitable for children, but it leans into softer areas of the horror movie genre. A lot of the violent movie action is portrayed off-screen. Apart from a pretty gnarly scene showing a demon who’s had its mouth pinned shut while setting about trying to eat a young boy, there are very few scenes that would upset light horror fans.

Prosthetic monsters and CGI play a large part in the workings of the Tummbad movie. On a scale for this type of thing, I would have to say, it’s among the best I’ve seen. Many films that decide to have a big reveal for a demon or monster are often the biggest letdowns. In Tumbbad, I can safely say that Hastar’s big reveal is worth the wait.

The Making of Tumbbad

I read a fair bit about the making of this film. Interestingly, there are lots of aspects regarding the time it took (more than 5 years) and its original filming locations (places no one had been to for hundreds of years) that are truly impressive. The finite detail of the cast’s clothing set pieces and everything else accompanying the story is also better than many films I’ve watched purporting to be set within a certain era or timeline.

Whether or not this is ‘scary’ for the average viewer is really up to what you find inherently frightening. For me, it didn’t register on my scare-o-meter. Perhaps that’s mostly due to my high-level constitution for horror films. I very much adore a jaw-dropping, look-away moment in a highly graphic film. I also love a movie that is 90% reliant on telling a story. Tumbbad won’t give me nightmares but it will leave me thinking about the beautiful lesson of greed and sacrifice this manages to impart while being highly entertaining.

Hindi Horror Movies?

Coupled with the realism offered to the characters, performances, and, mythological story; there’s something to be excited about with Tumbbad. Additionally, I loved the way the voice-over narration was done and I liked the way the story is separated into an almost novel-type structure in chapters.

Also, the creators are in talks about a sequel to the Tumbbad movie. Furthermore, they are said to be looking at keeping the core components of Hastar and throwing it into a completely different time setting. I love that idea, and I hope it doesn’t take them more than 5 years to make it happen. I recommend watching this rich and dark horror movie from India. Check your favorite where-to-watch app, or if you’re in the USA, Instantwatch.com has the most current places to stream Tumbbad.

Tumbbad movie is rated

4 flour-obsessed gods out of 5.

Mother of Movies score

For an additional view of this movie from a film review site in India, check out Cineyatra.com.

  • Directed and written by Rahi Anil Barve, Anand Gandhi, and Adesh Prasad.
  • Released September 2018 the Tumbbad full movie is available on Amazon Prime UK/USA/AU
  • Tumbbad cast includes stars Sohum Shah, Jyoti Malshe, Anita Date, and Rudra Soni.
Tumbbad 2018. Hindi horror
Sohum Shah as Vinayak Rao stars in Tumbbad movie.

More Indian Horror Movies in Hindi

Finally, foreign films are great! The Tumbbad movie is the first and best Hindi horror film I’ve ever seen. But Indian horror filmmakers might be about to bring more stories to the masses. Furthermore, some other popular Hindi horror movies from 2018 in the thriller section are Race 3, Blackmail, and, Razii.