Apartment 413 courtesy of Terror Films

Brea Grant (12 Hour Shift) and Nicholas Saenz (American Crime) star in this psychological thriller by Matt Patterson. Breaking out with his directorial debut feature, the movie follows couple Marco and Dana as they move into a new apartment. Dana is pregnant with their first child and Marco is trying to find a new job. Apartment 413 is available in the USA for free on TubiTv and a couple of other digital download platforms from Terror Films. The film is written by Ron Maede.

Who Else is in Apartment 413?

In the opening scenes, the film sets up with a grisly murder in Apartment 413. One in which no details are shared about the motivations of its lone killer. Then Marco and Dana move in with no clue about their new home’s history.

The trailer for the film shows Marco from a few different angles as he slowly slides into the abyss of madness. For a pleasant change, the film’s preview is the perfect combination of factors within the storyline and doesn’t give the game away. Mother of Movies will try not to spoil the ending either.

Director Matt Patterson and writer Ron Maede have sure come out swinging with Apartment 413. It’s the type of film that works its magic via several layers but solely through its central characters who convincingly portray every aspect of the themes it presents. Marco and Dana have a volatile relationship. One that relies on financial assistance and leans heavily into territory where Dana is the support system.

Early signs of Marco’s declining mental health are dropped in with a steady hand. He spends his day cleaning and applying for jobs but at the end of each day, the house is still a mess. What’s more, when he follows up on his job applications, they seem less than enthusiastic to hire him.

“Home Isn’t Always Safe”

The apartment itself seems to be the main instigator of his troubles. Notes appear on his door with messages about money being owed. He finds a cell phone in one of the closets. The phone calls him from time to time, and the caller gives him reason to doubt his relationship. Marco is simply not feeling himself. Is the apartment making Marco crazy, or is someone else behind all the strangeness?

Apartment 413 starring Nicholas Saenz
Apartment 413 starring Nicholas Saenz

What I loved about Apartment 413 was the way it prescribes the many facets of mental health and how people cope with that. Here Marco takes photos of things before and after he does them. He fact-checks certain things he is unsure of and seeks the help of a therapist when things get out of control. But the storyline also brings in external factors and does a really great job of blurring what’s real and what is the result of Marco’s illness. The finale was also something that not only draws everything to finish but leaves you with a question.

Apartment 413 starring Nicholas Saenz and Brea Grant
Apartment 413 starring Nicholas Saenz and Brea Grant

Movie Trailer for Apartment 413

YouTube video

Where to Watch Apartment 413 Movie

Apartment 413 is streaming on:

I give Apartment 413

Mother of Movies would have to say that Apartment 413 is a hidden gem thriller movie. Well worth your time if you feel like a storyline that makes you question what sort of movie you’re watching.

For another movie set in an apartment, watch The Super or Nights’ End next.

3.75 keeping the baby out of 5

Apartment 413
Apartment 413 courtesy of Terror Films

Director: Matt Patterson

Date Created: 2021-09-17 19:59

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