Unwelcome poster 2022 Well Go USA

If you can’t get excited about murderous goblins then I’m not sure we can be friends. An Irish creature feature is coming helmed by Jon Wright (Grabbers, Robot Overlords.) Set to release in cinemas on March 22nd, 2022, the film has been delayed. The Unwelcome movie was released on January 23rd, 2023.

Following the theatrical rollout, the UNWELCOME movie will be shown exclusively with the burgeoning streaming platform for horror lovers, Shudder. Indie film distributor Well-Go USA Entertainment acquired the North American Rights for the bloody small gnome horror movie. These bloodthirsty mythical short people are also known as “far darrig” or “Redcaps.” The UK will release UNWELCOME through Warner Bros. Entertainment. For a review of the full Unwelcome movie, see here.

Don’t Call Out For Help

Two lovers leave the city for the beautiful Irish landscape. Soon they begin hearing stories from the locals about small men who live in their new lush garden. Irish legend related to them by their new neighbors says that Goblins sometimes appear to help those in crisis. Of course, this assistance isn’t free and both are warned the price could be violently high.

Judging by the trailer, family tradition dictates blood offerings are important to keep these tiny vicious men happy. They cannot go unfed… ever. In place of a Snickers, one wonders what this couple will feed the Redcaps to keep them at bay. In any case, the UNWELCOME horror movie trailer looks hectically great and you can watch it for yourself below.

Goblin and Redcap Special Effects, Unwelcome Movie Parents Guide

If you’re worried about the effects a film like this might have, wash away those fears. The 2012 creature feature Grabbers team is back for UNWELCOME.

  • Prosthetics are being done by Shaune Harrison (Harry Potter films, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and Avengers: Age of Ultron.)
  • In addition, the creature designs will be produced by Paul Catling (Maleficent, Thor, Fantastic Beasts.)
  • And if you can’t be impressed by any of those people, Wright collaborator VFX supervisor Paddy Eason (28 Weeks Later, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Grabbers) is part of the team too.

Starring: Hannah John-Kamen (Black Mirror, Ant-Man, and The Wasp, Ready Player One.) Douglas Booth (hit Netflix film The Dirt, and Zombies

Looking for other movies with a folk horror feel? Watch these horror movies next: Moloch | There’s Something In the Pilliga | Consumed | There’s Something In the Barn or Troll Next.

Unwelcome Movie Trailer

“We are thrilled to bring this new spin on an age-old Irish legend to North American horror fans, who may or may not know about the legend behind this mysterious group of faerie folk.”

“The entire ensemble of stellar, tried-and-true cast and crew members have really outdone themselves bringing this story to life. We believe audiences will be delighted by the result.”

Doris Pfardrescher, President and CEO at Well Go USA Entertainment.
Unwelcome movie 2022 courtesy of Shudder, WellGo USA & Warner Bros. Entertainment
Unwelcome 2023 courtesy of Shudder, WellGo USA & Warner Bros. Entertainment
The Unwelcome
Unwelcome poster 2022 Well Go USA e1635330171600

Director: Jon Wright

Date Created: 2023-03-10 14:04

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