A Stalker In The House Thriller Movie Review
A Stalker in the House stars Halloween’s Scout Taylor Compton as Jen, a woman in danger from a dangerous admirer. Directed by Jared Cohn.
A Stalker in the House immediately raises its glass to show us that this particular stalker is fairly unhinged and that’s just the way I like it. Movies like Fear, Swim Fan, Greta, and Unsane all set the bar on what a good example of this type of movie looks like. Uncork’d Entertainment has a bit of a bad rep according to some movie fans within groups on Facebook. However, a thriller movie with Halloween’s Scout Taylor Compton in the sub-genre of stalkers sounded like it could be a pass. Most of the label’s films have the same made-for-TV feel, but there is really nothing wrong with that.
A Stalker in the House is available as a digital download or via DVD release from November 9th, 2021. Directed by Jared Cohn the scary movie wanna-be opens with murder by asphyxiation. Sure a pillow isn’t my first choice for victims under 95 and not residing in nursing homes, but Mike isn’t really good at making decisions. He’s also not very good at taking no for an answer. However, with his pesky ex out of the way, Mike wastes no time jumping back onto dating sites and meets a beautiful woman Jen. Jen is a therapist in training, kickboxes, and manages a sternly worded PSA on “no means no” soon after their first date.
No Means No
Mike immediately bounces back again and despite oozing red flags as if he makes them in his spare time, Jen ends up with him inside her house several times after that. What annoys me about stories like A Stalker in the House or stalker movies, in general, is when writers are smart enough to create backstories for their characters that are completely misused when executed. I’m sure it’s frustrating to research feedback from film fans and hear that we hate stereotypical typecasts. Complaints about making female cast dumber than a sack of rocks to propel a victim’s status to a deserved position. But just as frustrating is making them smart and then devolving their character into stupid decisions.
What begins as an eerie reminder of what women face on the dating scene and how to navigate that soon becomes devoid of logic when Mike stalks her to the point of being able to sleep with her anyway. Coercion is a misunderstood real-life situation, and I’m not sure what the point was in including a story arc where too much wine and an aggressive male suitor have a strong female lead flippantly write off the situation as a mistake.
A Stalker in the House, Watch It or Skip It?
But I digress. A Stalker in the House has more problems than that. The pacing manages to be both uninteresting and slow. Most of the scenes with Mike have him watching Jen from his car. Here he talks to himself while doing his best evil scientist impersonation, and stroking his short beard as he contemplates his next move. In addition, a super long fight scene between Jen and Mike did not improve my demeanor before it ended.
I give A Stalker in the House
1 Not therapist material out of 5

A Stalker in the House Trailer
Directed by Jared Cohn: He has also completed the film title Deadlock (starring Burce Willis) in 2021. For more from Cohn see Plane Crash, Shark Season, and Devil’s Revenge.
The cast for A Stalker in the House includes these talented people; Veronika Issa, Jack Pearson, Nick Ryan, Jared Cohn, Michael DeVorzon, and Scout Taylor Compton.

Where to Watch A Stalker in the House
Is A Stalker in the House streaming on Hulu or Netflix?
No, not in the USA, however, this title is streaming for free on platforms like TubiTV and Redbox.
A Stalker in the House

Director: Jared Cohn
Date Created: 2021-11-09 20:11