After the Pandemic Movie poster

Written and directed by Richard Lowry, “After the Pandemic” aims to reconnect us with the idea that all is not lost. Creating a universe where we get to look down the barrel of what could have been if a deadly pandemic swept the planet and wiped out 98% of the population. Government agencies are still alive and well, of course. Those with official statuses went underground, only coming up for gas-masked air to hunt the surviving minority. The remaining population consists of the young and those that are deemed immune to the deadly virus.

There is not a lot of dialogue in After The Pandemic. Despite the micro-budget filmmaking and crude detailing of some of the finer details, this science fiction story is watchable to the end. The film’s poster depicts some scenery that isn’t present in the movie itself. There aren’t any machine guns, the ominous figures adorning gas masks look a little different and the main characters never look quite so dirty. But despite this, there is a heartfelt thread and steady pace that insists on being heard.

Hunt or Be Hunted “After the Pandemic”

There is something to be said about films that utilize silence to get their points across. A tough task to pull off. Writer-director Richard Lowry manages this feat with a deft hand. The Walking Dead, A Quiet Place, and Netflix’s The Silence are big-budget examples of times when this tactic works extremely well. The setting and absence of sound hone in on the extremities of loneliness, and in the case of After the Pandemic, the importance of being quiet to ensure your survival. Every once in a while black SUVs roll in with sophisticated sound equipment peeking out of their windows.

Stalkers Want You For Testing

After a brief encounter with the men inside the vehicles, we finally learn the girl’s name when she ventures to another suburb. Ellie meets Quinn. Quinn is the polar opposite of the cat-food-eating ballet dancer. Quinn has weapons, cooked food, and a tactical aversion to being in a pair. The rest of the film plays out as you would expect.

The relationship between the two girls builds off the forced perception that being alone isn’t always the best method of survival. In addition, there are a few MacGyver-like maneuvers that would have been better served with a little background. However, there’s nothing wrong with leaving things to the imagination. I’m unsure if you could start a car with a string of AA batteries and some Everclear, but I’m no mechanic.

After the Pandemic was a pleasant time passer. Especially considering I thought I had overdosed on films fueled by COVID-19 themes. For a more recent movie with an end-of-the-world scenario, watch Vincent Must Die.

After the Pandemic is rated

2.5 post-apocalyptic clean pools out of 5

After the Pandemic movie 2022
After the Pandemic movie 2022

Where to watch After the Pandemic: The film is available from March 1st, 2022 on DVD and digital download. For more information on the film and where you can see it, check out their Facebook page. The film is streaming on platforms like Prime Video and Apple+ which you can watch with a subscription.

Distributed by Uncork’d Entertainment and produced by Andromeda Motion Pictures.

After the Pandemic movie cast includes Eve James and Kannon Smith.

After The Pandemic Film 2022
After the Pandemic Movie poster after the pandemic

Director: After The Pandemic

Date Created: 2022-03-01 13:26

Editor's Rating: