Trust No One 2022 Crime Documentary

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King – A Bitcoin Scam Uncovered

Trust No One follows Gerry Cotten & his co-founder Michael Patryn as their bitcoin exchange made its members millions. And then it was gone.

If you’re anything like the Mother of Movies, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and blockchain technology can feel like an enigma. Netflix’s documentary Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King dives headfirst into the murky waters of Bitcoin scams. It sheds light on one of the most baffling cases in the cryptocurrency world.

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King – A Bitcoin Scam Exposed

If you’re anything like the Mother of Movies, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and blockchain technology are a total mind-bender. I mean, a whole other currency that exists online, outside the control of governments? Seriously? But Netflix’s documentary Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King dives headfirst into the shady world of Bitcoin scams, shedding light on one of the wildest cases in the cryptocurrency world.

How Bitcoin Became a Playground for Scammers

The world is full of people looking to make a quick buck. None, it seems, more so than multimillionaire Gerry Cotten. Cotten was the founder and CEO of QuadrigaCX, one of the most infamous cryptocurrency exchanges, now bankrupt. Together with co-founder Michael Patryn, they ripped off thousands of customers out of millions of dollars.

This one-and-a-half-hour crime documentary maps the rise and fall of this supposed financial empire. Through Trust No One, director Luke Sewell digs into the shocking vulnerabilities of Bitcoin, asking the blunt question: Is Bitcoin really secure, or just a scammer’s dream?

Understanding Bitcoin Through the Documentary Lens

One of the documentary’s strong points is how it explains Bitcoin in a way that doesn’t make your brain explode. With visuals like arrows darting off charts and straightforward examples, viewers get a glimpse into cryptocurrency’s appeal and risks. Much like banks, Bitcoin exchanges let you deposit and withdraw money while skimming fees. However, the lack of rules makes them a crook’s paradise.

Sewell’s film uses real accounts to show the chaos left behind for investors. From masked victims recounting their losses to online sleuths trying to piece it all together, Trust No One captures the messy fallout surrounding QuadrigaCX’s collapse.

The Mysterious Death of Gerry Cotten

The drama peaks with the supposed death of Gerry Cotten in India from Crohn’s disease. Before his passing, Cotten allegedly took all the passcodes and crypto keys to his grave, leaving $250 million worth of Bitcoin completely inaccessible. His death raised a lot of eyebrows, especially since he had recently drafted a will leaving millions in real estate to his wife, Jennifer Robertson.

Adding fuel to the fire, Jennifer had a history of name changes, and one of her former husbands had died under sketchy circumstances. Theories abound: Is Gerry Cotten living on an island under a new identity? Was he murdered by his wife? Or, as some customers suggest, should his body be exhumed to check if he’s even dead?

A True-Crime Tale Worth Watching

While Trust No One doesn’t tie everything up in a neat little bow, it’s a fascinating look at the dirty side of cryptocurrency. If you’re looking for a clean resolution, you might be left frustrated. But if you’re into messy, WTF financial scandals, this one’s a wild ride.

Final Thoughts

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King is a true-crime documentary that lays bare the wild west of Bitcoin. It’s a world where fortunes can vanish in a click, and trust is just another thing to scam.

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King is rated

3.5 wolf masks out of 5

Mother of Movies score
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Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King Trailer

Watch the trailer and find out if this will be your next series watch. Produced by Minnow Films. Director Luke Sewell | Starring Alexandra Posadzki.

Trust No One 2022
Trust No One 2022