In a play on the definition of inhuman, meaning sadistic and lacking in human characteristics comes a new Blumhouse Television production. The “Unhuman” movie isn’t a film being bandied about as a great horror to watch. has the horror and warm comedy film rated at a lowly 4.9/10 and other aggregate sites list it at around 33% where the audience was satisfied. The storyline for Unhuman sees a typecast group of teens get on a school bus for a field trip. Complete with a lackadaisical PE teacher, jock, besties, nerds, and of course someone with braces.
What this title does well is brought out in all its glory in the opening act. We are briefly introduced to the group as they head toward their destination. The cinematography is truly pretty cool. A slow-motion montage of the bus as the driver swerves covering the front windshield in blood. Each of the passengers is shown in a creative sequence of motions as the vehicle goes through the motion of careening off the road. Had I not known better, I would have thought I was in for a good time. But add to that some over-the-top sound effects each and every single time any person or thing does absolutely anything and I was transported into a not-so-impressed state.
Human VS Zombie
Everything else about Unhuman is simply illogical. I won’t spoil the ending of the movie here. However, instead of being surprised and reinvested in what the writers were trying to do, I was more and more disappointed the further it went along. As a zombie outbreak story, it was mildly entertaining. But once the “plot twist” enters about halfway through, nothing makes any sense at all. Not only that but the dialogue between the already annoying character types began to talk about ethics.
Blumhouse churns out so much content, that it’s bound to have a few fails here and there. The Unhuman movie is one of them. The gore and effects are solid in this after-school-special, but you expect that from production houses like this. Performances are well delivered too which makes this film a bit of a waste because once the dramatic cheesy ending monologue begins, you’ll wish you’d watched something else.
Unhuman is rated
2 slow motion kill scenes out of 5
What to watch next?
If you love horror and comedy watch Studio 666 or Santa Jaws.

Where to Watch Unhuman Movie 2022
Unhuman movie Where To Watch:
- Director Marcus Dunstan (The Collector.)
- Writers Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton (The Collected.)
- The cast of Unhuman is Brianne Tju, Benjamin Wadsworth, Uriah Shelton, Ali Gallo, Peter Giles, Drew Scheid, Lo Graham, C.J. LeBlanc, and Blake Burt.
Unhuman Movie, If Not Human, What Are They? - Mother of Movies

Director: Marcus Dunstan
Date Created: 2022-06-03 16:45