Good Madam (Mlungu Wam), is a South African harbinger horror movie released as a Shudder Original on the platform on July 14th, 2022. Despite solid early reviews on pointing to a fairly decent 7/10 rating, I can’t say this will be a fast favorite of mine anytime soon. There are plenty of references floating around about the title’s relatable narrative to 2017’s “Get Out.” Even the poster aims to connect with it. Peele captured the moment better than director Jenna Cato Bass did but viewers can make up their own minds about that.
The story follows a mother, Tsidi. After caring for the Grandmother who raised her, she is forced by the men in the family to give up her home. She turns to her biological mother Mavis. Mavis is a maid in a large and beautiful estate. She works as the caretaker for a woman called Diane, who rings a tiny bell when she needs something from her. Mavis follows strict guidelines while residing in the home. Neither she nor her guests are allowed to run whilst inside.
They can’t swim in the pool and they aren’t allowed to help themselves to food in the kitchen from the property owner’s fridge. More to the point, the home in which Mavis lives confines her to a small room despite Diane being bedridden for quite some time.
Shudder Original “Good Madam”
There is plenty of flashback sequences to give us an ample view of the past. The present is often captured by honing in on the fine china and small knick-knacks that adorn the home. The cinematography doesn’t do a whole lot to really dig into the plight of Mavis. Despite this, her daughter often talks about her unfair treatment of her employer.
Diane’s deceased dog appears to Tsidi on numerous occasions. This hints at the fact the estate holds the spirits of all who passed over on this land. A slight mystery ensues when both Mavis and Tsidi’s behavior becomes more and more out of place. And towards the end of Good Madam, we learn a little about why Diana is so important. Additionally, the final scenes play out the generational hold she has on everyone who serves her.
Good Madam seeks to explore deep-rooted colonialism and lots of other systematic deviations on women’s rights. It also drops in dialogue and flashbacks that highlight present-day and historical racism in terms of apartheid and slavery. However, the film doesn’t capture these things well. There is a general mismatch in getting to know the key cast and the nature of their servitude intimately. With 11 credited co-writers alongside its director, the story never fully explores anything far enough to create a big splash.
Good Madam 2022 Trailer
Where to Stream Cheapest – Good Madam
Good Madam is streaming on:
Directed by Jenna Cato Bass from a screenplay. Co-written with Babalwa Baartman, Chumisa Cosa, Chris Gxalaba, Khanyiso Kenqa, Steve Larter, Sizwe Ginger Lubengu, Nosipho Mtebe, Kamvalethu Jonas Raziya, Sanda Shandu, Siya Sikawuti, and Peggy Tunyiswa