Girls to Buy movie poster on Mother of Movies

Girls to Buy movie has been a resounding success at the box office. The title is based on a book called “Dziewczyny z Dubaju” which tells the true story of Emi, a beautiful lower-class girl growing up in Poland. Despite a super long run-time of 2.5 hours, Girls to Buy is at the very least tremendously interesting. This story is about all things women. It takes tonnes of atrocious historical evidence about sex trafficking and wraps it all up in a dramatic and often disturbing collection of how that looks when it’s referred to as being an escort.

The film itself often transitions from one thing to the next in a conglomeration of confusing twisted instances. Performances are convincingly great considering how vast the cast is. But even then, there is no denying, that sex sells. Beauty is at the top of the list when it comes to what society tells us we should strive for. Beauty competitions, modeling, and everything in the media from cinema to print revere pretty things. It does seem like more and more people are defying what traditional beauty standards mean but that doesn’t make pretty people less powerful as a commodity. And that’s where Girls to Buy steps up to the plate.

Dziewczyny z Dubaju

Initially, Emi (Paulina Galazka) just wants to get out of her small town. Emi is captivated by an older wealthy man. He promises to show her the world. He also offers to help her use her beauty and youth to get what she wants. She teams up with Dorota and Marianna, a mother-and-daughter escort team. Together they rise to the top of what success in high-class escorting looks like. But even high-class hookers bear the scrutiny of beauty standards. The young supersede the old and Dorota becomes a liability to the lofty ambitions of Emi. Emi breaks out on her own and starts her own business.

The cinematography is exceedingly beautiful. Even in less beautiful places, the lifestyle, and the fast-paced fury of being the next hottest thing is instantly translated from both the drama and what we see on screen.

Is The Movie Girls to Buy Real?

The story is based on real events.

There are plenty of similar movies with vaguely familiar ethos. Titles like Hustlers, Fifty Shades of Grey, and Netflix soft porn “sex sells” movies 365 Days have all tried similar things. Girls to Buy isn’t all that different. It does delve into the much darker and seedier aspects of trading sex for cash. But it also heavily glamorizes some of this industry. The ending of Girls to Buy is slightly peculiar given the events that lead up to that point. But it certainly delivers a creshendoing climax.

Girls to Buy aka Dziewczyny z Dubaju is rated

3.5 sex tapes come back to haunt you out of 5

The Girls to Buy Movie Download Trailer

A Film By: Maria Sadowska.

Distributed by VMI Releasing. Produced by Ent One. Dziewczyny z Dubaju aka Girls to Buy movie download is available as a rental on Vudu and Apple+. The novel is available in Polish on Amazon. The novel “Girls from Dubai”, GIRLS TO BUY was released in Poland in November 2021. It is the #1 film at the Box Office for 2021 and, grossed over $5.8M. Girls to Buy is not on Netflix but the hard-hitting flick is streaming free on TubiTV in the USA.

Released to the USA in June 2022.

For movies that feature sex workers watch Mope, PVT Chat, or Lost Girls, a documentary about missing girls.

Girls to Buy movie 2022
Girls to Buy Movie 2022. Courtesy of VMI Entertainment.


  • Mitja Okorn (screenplay)
  • Lucas Coleman (screenplay)
  • Peter Pasyk (screenplay)

GIRLS TO BUY movie cast has Paulina Galazka (Successful Woman), Katarzyna Sawzcuk (The Lure), Giulio Berruti (Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), and Katarzyna Figura (The Pianist).

For more information or to follow Girls to Buy check them out on Instagram, TIKTOK, and Facebook. Don’t forget to follow Mother of Movies too! Girls to Buy reviews can be found on, Rotten Tomatoes, and more.

Girls To Buy, A True Story About Finding Your Worth
Girls to Buy movie poster on Mother of Movies

Director: Maria Sadowska

Date Created: 2022-06-24 18:30

Editor's Rating:


  • Gritty based on a true story narrative
  • Loads of drama


  • Glamourizes the industry