The Witch Part 2 The Other One

I have a confession. Mother of Movies has not seen the movie, The Witch: Subversion. I know, I know, I’ve been told that I was not supposed to watch the much-anticipated sequel for this cult classic title called, The Witch 2: The Other One but I did. What I can say about the story of a little girl with big powers, is if you like the idea of government facilities with lab-induced superhero-like abilities, then you will probably like this movie too. I was instantly cast back into Stephen King’s Firestarter as soon as the film kicked into gear, however, I must add, that this film has way more balls.

The narrative picks up about ten years into the future from the previous The Witch movie. This time a young girl, Cynthia (Shin Si-ah), who also can’t recall what happened to her in The Witch Project lab is again on the run. A collection of superhero power-abled assassins is after her. As she fights for survival she collects friends along the way. The Witch 2: The Other One has plenty of well-thought-out action, blood, and high-powered kill shots. It also includes a terrific sentimental romantic interlude between a girl who helps aid her escape and the girl’s brother.

The Witch Movie Sequel

The intense sequel delivers fast-paced action sequences and a compelling storyline. The conflict between the local crooked groups and the original owners adds depth to the narrative, creating a sense of urgency and tension. Cynthia’s heroic intervention not only showcases her bravery but also underscores the strength of friendship and resilience in the face of adversity.

The escalating confrontation between the groups builds a palpable sense of anticipation, culminating in a breathtaking battle that is worth the wait. Especially if you’re a fan of big things being thrown around using the power of the mind. The intricate dynamics between the characters and the high-stakes nature of the conflict combine to deliver a truly exhilarating cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Complaints from fans of the original The Witch movie relate to this sequel simply not living up to its predecessor. Some fans talked about The Witch 2: The Other One lacking the magic of the first film simply because it didn’t add very much as a follow-up and simply retold the story with less bang for your buck. The film combines elements of X-Men, Firestarter, and various other DC or Marvel movies. It features solid CGI, special effects, and cool and witty banter.

The Witch 2: The Other One Rated

Mother of Movies score

The Witch (Korean)

Park Hoon-Jung (The Witch: Part 1 – The Subversion.) The Witch 2: The Other One cast includes Shin Si-ah, Jo Min-Su (The Cursed), and Park Eun-bin (“The Ghost Detective”). 

  • Country of Origin: South Korea
  • For more information, please visit Wellgo USA.   
  • The movie will be released on November 8th on Digital, Blu-ray™, and DVD. Well Go USA Entertainment distributes it.

On the Mother of Movies YouTube Channel, The Witch 2 Trailer

YouTube video
The Witch 2: The Other One
The Witch Part 2 – The Other One. Courtesy of Well Go USA
The Witch: Part 2. The Other One
The Witch Part 2 The Other One 1 e1667608317288

Director: Park Hoon-Jung

Date Created: 2022-11-08 00:05

Editor's Rating: