Sick 2023 A Viral Pandemic Slasher Film
Sick follows two girls, Parker & Miri who head off to quarantine at a remote lakehouse. A slasher movie with a killer who wants you to die
With writers Kevin Williamson (of the Scream franchise) and Katelyn Crabb behind the scenes, there was no doubt “Sick” could turn up hot. Add director John Hyams (Alone and the Chucky TV series) to the equation and what you have before you even mention the cast is a slasher movie that lifts your 2023 off to a good start. Released on Peacock in January 2023, Sick begins mid-pandemic. My first thought was;
“But aren’t we Sick of talking about the pandemic?”
We probably are. However, many of the more serious films and horror movies will prove to be a mark in history. The storyline starts where all good pandemic movies should. In the supermarket. A random stranger gets a seemingly innocuous text message at almost the same time as we learn he is a nice guy. In search of toilet paper, he absentmindedly gives a mother and her baby the last box of tissues instead of claiming it himself. We, as the audience, already like this handsome man even though we know nothing about him.
Sick Is Like Scream But With Text Messages
The camerawork throughout the title takes on the perspective of the lurker almost all the way through. Between feeling like we are watching and getting to see the killer approach in the background, the angles are always on point to ensure we see precisely what we are supposed to be seeing. No more, no less. It’s what makes a film like Sick and other slasher fare-of-its-kind work.
Cinematography is by Yaron Levy who coincidentally did the Scream TV series and Saw. He also worked on a film directed by John Hyams back in 2012, Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. Whatever the case, the opening for Sick ensures I am invested in this random stranger’s safety. Especially when a creepy text message is followed in quick succession by an image of our non-hoarding friend. The killer is close.
It’s the same formula as the Scream movies, only this time the killer prefers a “friendly” text message rather than a creepy phone call. Innovation at its best, the audience knows this guy is being targeted and despite having only had a bunch of minutes on screen, we don’t want him to die. I won’t spoil what happens to the nice guy in his apartment, but it’s a strong introduction to how the killer operates. It’s also a friendly reminder to never break the rules of horror.
“When you’ve escaped… never turn back”
The rules of horror should never be broken
Who is the Killer in Sick?
In an instant, Sick jumps into a new transition as two girls, Miri and Parker embark on a weekend away. When Parker gets a message from an unknown number asking “Are you having fun?” it’s an instant clue into the fact that this is not going to be the weekend they had planned.
The great thing about Sick is that for a slasher movie, there is nothing immediately obvious that ties the victims together. Stories of this kind always have a common thread to link back to later when it’s not a specific area or obvious niche personality the killers are targeting. The writing is wound tighter than the debates that rage on about COVID-19. The sound design leaves nothing to the imagination because sometimes knowing a character is in danger makes it tenser while you wait. Ominous music is immediately present as the car leaves the car park and heads off on a tree-lined windy road.
Is Sick 2023 A Good Movie?
Sick is the type of movie you can turn to when you are looking for an easy but exciting slasher movie to watch. The movie takes advantage of an idea that gives way to some nice sudden surprises at the end while still sticking to the formula we are at home with.
Sick is rated
4 dance parties with the disinfectant spray out of 5

Sick 2023 Streaming Online
Want to watch the viral slasher movie set in times of the global Pandemic? Check the link below and find out where this title is streaming in your country.
Sick 2023 is streaming on: