Cocaine Bear movie review 2023

Based on a true story and hyped up on social media Cocaine Bear was released to eager fans on February 24th, 2023. Mother of Movies took to the theatre to watch the newest thriller movie starring Ray Liota, which marks his final complete role in cinema. There’s just something about a wild black bear running rampant fueled on a drug runners’ crack-filled sack that made me think, “Yes, I must see this as soon as possible.” Add to that, Cocaine Bear was not the manifestation of some writer’s brain, but a real-life event and you simply couldn’t hold me back from watching.

Early reviews of Cocaine Bear pointed to some gruesome deaths, and some insanity as far as the narrative goes alongside some decent ratings for the film. I can confirm that indeed the kill count is on the more explicit gore side of things when it comes to what happens on screen. There is some decent eye-wincing graphic violence spliced together with cartoonish comedy. Not really what I was expecting given Elizabeth Banks is hardly known as a horror enthusiast. I read somewhere Banks was hoping this title would earn her redemption after Charlie’s Angels (a film I was not interested in seeing but known for being a massive dud.)

Elizabeth Banks

So has Cocaine Bear earned her credit? I’m going to have to say both yes and no on this occasion. The movie, while well put together has a few flaws that didn’t win brownie points with me. I loved the cast, the novelty of the idea, and most of the characters. Even if those characters didn’t serve much of a purpose other than to provide fodder for the bear.

In some ways, the comedy and attention to detail were missing something. At every point where the film gets down, dirty, and serious the moment is continually broken by mostly cheesy humor. But that probably isn’t all Banks’s fault. The movie has a writer who coincidently penned the not-impressive sequel to The Babysitter.

While many filmmakers find this balancing act in their stride, I was simply wondering whether the film would ever figure out what it wanted to be. Once the gag of the bear doing cocaine peters out, there isn’t much-left story-wise. The bear itself has some continuity issues as well. Fuelled initially by sheer rage it moves into a state of habit-afflicted neediness. Following its nose, all around the forest and sniffing out her next fix. This would be fine except that sometimes that’s explicitly what she does and then sometimes she strays from that and seems to fixate on an actual person for no reason whatsoever. Then there are times when humans just aren’t that interesting which only serves the film’s momentum instead of there being a reason.

Is Cocaine Bear a Good Movie?

Cocaine Bear is still fun. It’s a movie you’ll fall out of love with as quickly as you fall in love with it. There are moments of absolute chaos and jaw-dropping action. I’m glad I saw it at the cinema (aside from some douche who was letting his phone ding with messages for the entire runtime.) The film is as ridiculous as it sounds but considering the premise is built (even if the real-life grizzly killed no one) on a true story, it is worthy of a one-time watch. Two if you want to watch someone else’s reaction, and three times if you love Ray Liotta.

Mother of Movies score

Movie Trailer for Cocaine Bear on Mother of Movies

Cocaine Bear 2023
Cocaine Bear 2023
Cocaine Bear
Cocaine Bear movie review 2023

Director: Elizabeth Banks

Date Created: 2023-02-12 16:50

Editor's Rating:


  • Cocaine Bear movie is fun
  • Creative kills scenes and kill count
  • Child actors do a good job


  • Absurd
  • Strays too far from the original true story source
  • Contunuity issues