Supercell 2023 scaled

In the wake of the chaos for Alec Baldwin and after the untimely death of Anne Heche, Supercell is a story about stormy weather. Anne Heche also made “13 Minutes” before her crash, which, like this film was a disaster movie. Ironic or not, Supercell follows a group of storm chasers. People who are both fascinated by and study supercell weather events. Ones that usually lead to hurricanes and fire down hail in a deluge of thunder and lightning.

Bill Brody and his scientist wife lead the pack of enthusiasts in an organized business. People pay to get up close and personal with cloudburst that might kill. Especially if you find yourself on the wrong side of building twister. Of course, Bill isn’t all about the money, he is also trying to invent a Supercell battery that tunes into a tornado’s heartbeat.

“When you do something you love, there’s nothing to be afraid of”

William Brody, Supercell 2023

The “Supercell” movie was released in the USA to theatres and on Demand on the 17th of March 2023 by Saban Films. It opens with Bill Brody and his small son, William (Daniel Diemer.) Together they sit on the edge of a hill watching a storm roll in. Later that day Bill heads out to chase the cyclone. However, the beast, made of wind and thunder catches the eye of his wife watching the news report at home. As she radio calls to tell him to change course, her desperate pleas go unanswered. Before any action can be taken, the massive storm rolls their car, and all we see of Bill after that is his iconic watch on the arm of a hand sticking out of the dirt as police officers move in to investigate.

Supercell Thunderstorm

Supercell takes a massive jump in time flashing forward ten years to Bill’s son, who is now in college. It’s plain to see that William has also built up a lifelong obsession with the weather. Some of his own accord but mostly because his mother wrapped him so tightly in cotton wool, there was little else he would want to do at that age. At a random moment, just as William unearths his father’s Supercell battery and absconds with it, a package arrives from his uncle. Inside is his dad’s journal, complete with a return address to where his uncle (Skeet Ulrich) and a guy called Zane (Alec Baldwin) now run the family business.

Once there, the film tries to showcase the storms that we were eagerly anticipating. Utilizing green screen technology and backdrops, the action unfolds with a display of hail crashing onto roofs, shattering windows, and the distant ominous threat looming on the horizon. The special effects fall short by relying heavily on wind and confined spaces rather than fully showcasing the storms themselves.

One aspect that left me slightly bewildered was the film’s score. Throughout almost the entire duration, regardless of the tone or intensity of the scene, a persistently melodramatic and triumphal composition persists in the background. Although suitable for moments of heartfelt reunions or exhilarating discoveries, its consistent presence occasionally detracts from the immersion of the film.

Is Supercell a Good Movie?

Even with Skeet Ulrich’s appearance, it’s hard to believe that this poorly scripted storm movie could be saved. If you’re hoping for a worthy replacement for your favorite disaster film, Supercell falls short. Sure, there’s a moment where Skeet Ulrich’s character Uncle Roy decides to punch Alec Baldwin’s character Zane in the face, but that alone isn’t enough to redeem the rest of the film. If that kind of thing happens to appeal to your tastes, you might find some fleeting satisfaction in this mediocre flick.

Supercell is rated

2.5 “Somebody has to do it” out of 5

Mother of Movies score
Supercell 2023.
Courtesy of Saban Film, Supercell 2023.

Supercell Movie Trailer

Watch the disaster movie on Netflix in most countries. For more ways to watch visit our friends at Watch The Decline or The Ice Road for more survival thrillers streaming now.

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Written by: Anna Elizabeth James, Herbert James Winterstern.

Directed by Herbert James Winterstern.

The cast of Supercell features these people: Alec Baldwin, Anne Heche, Skeet Ulrich, Daniel Diemer, and the arm of Richard Gunn.

Supercell 2023
Courtesy of Saban Film, Supercell 2023.