Followers 2024 POV Sequel

When I watched Followers 2024, I thought I had seen it before. That’s because a large part of the opening sequence is ripped straight out of the original movie Follower, released in 2022. Streaming on Screambox in Canada and the USA, the sequel picks up in the aftermath of the deadly stalking misadventure in the woods that saw Sam and her best friend and influencer Heather get stalked by a lone wolf.

After a thorough review of the first movie, Followers meets up with Heather, who has now amassed a very large following. Not on social media, but on the verge of something bigger. She’s released a documentary about the violent attack on her and her friends as they hiked to a lake. Director James Rich with his co-writer Zac Hersh eke out a narrative that closely resembles something like the cult horror classic, You’re Next 2011 if it were mashed with a film like Spree, Sissy, or Influencer. Again Rich appears in his own film as Jake.

Dylan declares himself a wolf to a world filled with eagerly awaiting viewers. This time, the man who started the killing spree is dead, but his message is all over the internet and an eager faction of men has picked up the baton ready to escalate the issue of their leader being brought to justice. While Followers fills us in about what the group of girls has been up to, silently the toxic group rallies their troops.

Horror Movies With Social Media Influencers

The villains all wear masks similar to the ones seen in You’re Next, only in Followers 2024, they are made of paper mache. Still, they look quite effective. What works for the title is that performances, effects, and the storyline all come together nicely without having to watch the original film. Granted there isn’t a lot of blood spatter on screen, but the cast does their best and what makes it to screen looks good. What doesn’t work is some of the transitions between shots, meandering conversations, and filler present here again that were holding back the full potential of the first movie as well.

The ending of Followers endeavors to cram in as much action as it possibly can to create a surprising reveal. In the final shot of a cavalcade of wolves along a deserted highway, the identities of some of the killers are shown. Like You’re Next, this title also tries to manipulate its viewers. As an independent low-budget feature film, the effort poured into this last quarter shows that these filmmakers have a lot more to give.

Followers 2024 Trailer

The title was released to Screambox as well as a collection of other streaming platforms. For more ways to watch, see your favorite movie aggregator site.

YouTube video
Followers movie 2024
Followers movie 2024

For another review of Followers 2024, read from the Rotting Zombie website. They dive into what the “lone wolf” statement represents. Help support independent legitimate horror lovers like yourself by subscribing, liking, and following their social media. The next quote is potentially a spoiler. Avert your eyes, if you haven’t jumped on Screambox to watch this vigilante justice movie yet.

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