Social Media Monster documentary

Social Media Monster, Because We All Know You Are One

Social Media Monster is a film telling the story about a group of people in a Missouri town who were selected at random by a prolific internet troll.

Okay, perhaps you aren’t a Social Media Monster in the literal sense. But that doesn’t mean the term and the stories surrounding the idea don’t crop up occasionally. Even the title of this 2021 documentary-style film coins a healthy number of pseudonyms, because the main perpetrator, a homeless grifter, called Matthew can’t let go. The title has been known as “Nowhere Man – St. Joseph” was the original moniker for the movie, followed by Jordan’s Regret and Troll Troll with trivia surrounding its release pointing to the added stress for filmmakers that the stalking, harassment, and more got worse when the film would play.

Originally screened at a Stockholm City Film Festival back, the compelling story that typically follows the ideal of;

Most people have had an interaction they know could have been better. The small rhetoric at the supermarket with a stroppy teenager who rolls their eyes or, the waiter who probably spat in your drink because you dared to ask for no ice. Dealing with people isn’t always easy. Especially now that we live in a digital world where anonymous and attention-seeking individuals are just as famous for doing nothing as they are for their notoriety.

Social Media and Its Behaviour

And that’s where we begin with this story. Social Media Monster is a true story about an internet troll who stars in the film report and has continued his rampage of cyberbullying, stalking, and predatory behavior for more than 11 years. If you’ve been on the internet yourself, likely, you’ve encountered one as well. I know I have.

Matthew is a self-purported small business owner, activist, and journalist who decided to wage war on a group of people living in St. Joseph, Missouri, USA, where Social Media Monster is filmed. The title is cast with a bunch of people who are all represented as themselves. The homeless grifter is said to be jobless and living out of his car, but that hasn’t stopped his high-caliber history of villainous acts without consequence.

Some of his rap sheets archived by the filmmakers include being abusive and harassing to police, the courts, the local newspaper, the local council, and the IHOP staff where the incident first occurred. He is also known to harass anyone reviewing the documentary. I should know, he’s been messaging Mother of Movies since our review went live and I’ve had to block several accounts all claiming to be him.

What Happened?

The documentary tells how Matthew started a website after an interaction at a local convenience store to write articles aimed to respond to what he decided was so offensive to his sensibilities that he needed to punish anyone who came his way. The incident occurred on camera after Matthew approached staff as an altercation was reportedly happening outside. He told anyone who would listen, that a woman was being assaulted. Matthew then approached several customers inside hoping that they would assist, but when customers and staff wanted to wait for police interception, the man became belligerent.

Matthew cited in footage that he took issue with the group about their inability to go outside with him to assist this woman and began filming them. He became increasingly aggressive about the implied transgression. When an offensive LGBTQIA+ slur is hurled towards the man, Matthew then claims he is being targeted because of this reason.

It could be said that hurling offensive language is not the wisest idea when in an altercation with a person having mental health issues, but most people can relate to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time when heightened. But what they didn’t know at the time was that Matthew has had plenty of experience claiming to be the victim of insensitive verbal abuse.

From here an avalanche of manic revenge on film gathered as evidence and more commences stemming from Matthew and his perceived slight. Some of the group even wondered if there was ever even a woman outside in the first place. The documentary explains that after Matthew was told by police his issue wouldn’t be addressed, he called a local nuclear facility and told them he would blow it up. But that is just the start.

The film’s opening quarter commands attention with a visual style tailor-made for leading streaming platforms. With its sweeping aerial drone shots and slick introductory sequences, the film employs contemporary graphic overlays and engaging floating heads to great effect. These techniques are signature elements of the genre’s most compelling expository narratives, and this film uses them with unmistakable panache.

The filmmakers have meticulously documented public records, police reports, emails, Facebook posts, and messages—all accessible online for anyone to verify the film’s authenticity. Surprisingly, the majority of the clips featuring the alleged cyberbully Berdyck are all his own and published on public social media platforms.

Social Media Monster as a film is not just about Matthew. It points fingers at social media and its founders who monopolize online abuse into a profitable counter. Conflict boosts engagement and online forums thrive in this domain. Featured as an integral part of the cast of Social Media Monster is Mark Zuckerberg. And let’s be real, Zuckerberg has opened up the way the internet works. Perhaps it’s time to begin looking at better ways to protect ourselves too.

Social Media Monster Movie Trailer

Why Did He Do It?

Supporting documents from the filmmakers include dozens of articles, letters, footage, police reports, incidental evidence, and letters from the man himself. Filmmakers indicate that the belief behind the agenda is that Matthew likes to move from town to town, plug into anything he believes is considered counterproductive, pick a fight, and claim persecution in the hopes of financial retribution. A person who uses social media platforms, and government agencies to go against the very foundation they are built for.

“I am a member of the LGBT community and last night a hate crime was committed against me, at the St. Joseph

Quote from Matthew, antagonist featured in Social Media Monster 2021
Social Media Monster
Social Media Monster

Director Peter John Ross.
Writers Alfie Gonzalez and Peter John Ross.
Stars Matthew Berdyck, Austin Goacher, Rachel Hayner and, Mark Zukkerberg.

For another review of Social Media Monster, watch this podcast called Indie Film Pod. My takeaway from the podcast is the overarching sentiment that mental illness does not entitle a person to be an absolute asshole. The rest of society should not suffer as recourse for one person not getting the help they need.

Social Media Monster 2021 is rated

3.5 When in doubt, lock your profile and don’t engage out of 5

What to do if You’re Being Harrassed Online

How Can People Protect Themselves From Cyber Stalkers?

Social media abuse can indeed have legal consequences despite the Social Media Monster film highlighting how the system can also let average citizens down. While the specifics vary by jurisdiction, there are numerous repercussions.

What Can I Do About Cyber Bullying

People can pursue defamation claims for harmful false statements. National cybercrime laws address various online offenses, and privacy laws protect against the unauthorized sharing of private information. The success of these actions depends on several factors such as the abuse severity, location, and evidence at hand. It’s advised to report abuse to the concerned platform and seek legal counsel if needed.

Are there Other Notorious Cyber Bullies?

People who have threatened the social media world are a dime a dozen. Plenty of information about popular trolls, such as in this list of famous trolls on Strawpoll. The list features the most famous Reddit Social Media Monster.

Social Media Monster
Social Media Monster documentary

Director: Peter John Ross

Date Created: 2021-04-07 08:58

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