Upstate Story from Shaun Rose on Mother of Movies

Shaun Rose is a filmmaker who released the micro-budget movie, Upstate Story, back in 2018. A black and white drama piece with a narrative that always remains contemporary. The deadpan voice, the disparaging outlook on life. Filmed in black and white Upstate Story is available to watch for free. So not only did this filmmaker put together a really cool micro-budget and heartfelt movie, but he made it readily available to anyone who’d like to see it.

More importantly, the end result of this film underpins the visage that people really need to believe in something. Some have faith and others need to find something else that lets them see the light when the tunnel is dark. Ellis and his tale narrated in “Upstate Story” shows, that it only takes a small amount of something to keep getting out of bed every day.

Ellis Martin works for a cleaning service and continues to seek new employment to no avail. He yearns for his past, just as many of us often do. The weekends spark joy in Ellis. He drinks too much, smokes too much, and on top of that, he’s a bit of a loner. In short, his life is as one-dimensional as the name he was given. After all, Ellis is a girl’s name. That surely couldn’t have done him any favors in winning life.

Watch For Free Micro-Budget Film – Upstate Story

Upstate Story is wildly relatable. Reflected by the dull color palette and black-and-white hue, the color really can get sucked out of your life from time to time. Upstate Story is like a snapshot of this element. In its unassuming nature and despite not trying to be intentionally funny, it is. It’s easy to laugh at the doldrums of life when you find some common ground with the experience.

When the story shifts gears and suddenly includes the source of what lights Ellis up, there are some small pacing issues. Overall though, it certainly doesn’t undo all the great work that came before it. The juxtaposition of hope versus dissolution is a little jarring but can surely be forgiven when the film was made with no budget and nothing but the desire to tell a story.

Upstate Story is the perfect example of no-budget indie filmmaking done exceptionally well. The cinematography is well thought out and I loved the way people are represented. I particularly liked the Peanut cartoon-esque “whop-whop” when Ellis has conversations with people like his boss.

Watch Upstate Story the Full Movie Here

YouTube video

The Wonder Years

None of the other visible characters speak. Instead, the whole film is just Ellis as a voiceover while the scenes take place. Similar to, say, “The Wonder Years” series from the 80s’. I also think using this technique is inspiring and would have been difficult to pull off.

The score for the film exceeded my expectations, deviating from the common use of cheap synthesizer sounds. The music in Upstate Story pleasantly surprised me, as it beautifully enhances the story and perfectly aligns with the overall production’s vibe.

Upstate Story certainly feels like something many will enjoy. You can watch this micro-budget no-frills film via the link above. Enjoy.

I absolutely recommend watching this film (for free.)

Don’t forget to leave a review or award it some stars on if you can.

I give Upstate Story

4 faces shoved in the pillow make life better for flatmates out of 5

Mother of Movies score
4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5

Finally, How Much Did it Cost to Make “Upstate Story?”

According to— $500. I know right? Amazing. Micro-budget movies

Directed by Shaun Rose.
Written by Shaun and Bruce Rose. 
Starring: Shaun Rose, Kendra Mosher, Adrianna Rose, Keenan Rose, Bruce Rose Sr. 
61 minute run time. 
Made in the USA. 
Filmed in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Produced by West Side Outsiders Film Group.