The Seeding 2024 The Horrific Cycle of Life
Wyndham sets off to the perfect vantage point in the desert to capture a solar eclipse. The Seeding 2024 is a twisted folk horror movie.
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Wyndham sets off to the perfect vantage point in the desert to capture a solar eclipse. The Seeding 2024 is a twisted folk horror movie.
The Life of Belle movie has been described as a must watch for fans of found footage and POV films. What happened to this family of four?
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A sequel to Night Caller 2021, Scalper follows a masked serial killer closely hunted by a cryptic psychic called Clementine. Who is this killer?
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Mayhem! Sam is a professional fighter freshly released from prison. Turning over a new leaf he tries to escape the system by doing one last job.
Mother Tongue – Alex & Jade want a baby & they’ll do anything. They contact an occult practitioner, & find themselves at the mercy of homunculus.
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