The Welder, Terror Films Blends Hatred & Love
The Welder follows Eliza & Roe as they head out to a secluded ranch for some much needed time away, together. With no one else but the horses
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The Welder follows Eliza & Roe as they head out to a secluded ranch for some much needed time away, together. With no one else but the horses
Directed by Brad Anderson. Blood cast includes Michelle Monaghan & Skeet Ulrich & follows Jess as she realises there is a monster close by.
A father takes her daughter out of the city for a weekend of bonding with his wife. In Ash and Bone, the locals decide they aren’t welcome.
Sick follows two girls, Parker & Miri who head off to quarantine at a remote lakehouse. A slasher movie with a killer who wants you to die
Filmmakers head to The Grand Hotel Gula to investigate The Ghosts of Monday said to reside within it. Horror & thriller movie 2023.
Translations follows a woman called Stef who never leaves her house. But what happens when the outside world comes looking for you instead?