Brightburn Movie + Spoilers & Theories
In this Brightburn review check out the trailer + answer all your questions. The anti-superhero horror movie from James Gunn.
Discover in-depth analyses and critiques of the latest and classic films across all genres. Our expert reviews cover everything from plot and character development to cinematography and special effects and explanations. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a film aficionado, find recommendations and honest opinions that help you navigate the cinematic landscape. Dive into our film reviews and explore what makes each film unique!
In this Brightburn review check out the trailer + answer all your questions. The anti-superhero horror movie from James Gunn.
Movies about toxic relationships in the form of Greta. Not dissimilar to any stalker or obsession movie you’ve seen before + Greta trailer
Safe Haven is a short film from Carl Sundström.
Centering on a woman who tells her story from beyond the grave. Get the low down before it embarks on tour.
Netflix horror movies. ‘The Perfection.’ A musical prodigy takes on the Bachoff’s school’s star pupil with sinister results.
This Split review is the middle installment of the Unbreakable trilogy. Split movie trailer & ending of the film explained & Kevin Crumb list
David Dunn’s journey as a superhero starts here. Don’t overlook Unbreakable, an unconventional comic book adaptation from M. Night Shyamalan.