Life Like Movie. Best Sci-Fi Thrillers With Good Looking Robots
“Life Like” is one of the best-underrated sci-fi movies about life like robots. Henry, a robot, is given to a couple to help them out at home
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“Life Like” is one of the best-underrated sci-fi movies about life like robots. Henry, a robot, is given to a couple to help them out at home
A psychological ghost tale from the director of Christmas Blood, The House aka Huset. Snow movies set in a snowy Norwegian wilderness.
The Prodigy movie aka The Descendant 2019 XYZ Films. Starring Jackson Robert Scott & Taylor Schilling. A possession movie with a twist.
The best day for making movies about mothers is Mother’s Day! Gives you a taste of ‘what if?’ Into The Dark, All That We Destroy on Hulu.
Charlie Says and The Haunting of Sharon Tate, both movies about the figure known as Manson, and both released in 2019. Which one is better?
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil & Vile is a Ted Bundy film. But does the retelling of the Ted Bundy frenzy bring us anything new?