5 of the Worst Movies Streaming Right Now
Here is a list of five genre movies to avoid like the plague. Worst horror, worst comedy, worst documentary & worst thriller movies.
Discover in-depth analyses and critiques of the latest and classic films across all genres. Our expert reviews cover everything from plot and character development to cinematography and special effects and explanations. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a film aficionado, find recommendations and honest opinions that help you navigate the cinematic landscape. Dive into our film reviews and explore what makes each film unique!
Here is a list of five genre movies to avoid like the plague. Worst horror, worst comedy, worst documentary & worst thriller movies.
The First Purge made more money than any of the other films. I don’t care, it’s still the weakest link in the franchise. Luckily Marissa Tomei is in it.
Looking for a new horror anthology series to bingewatch? You’re all out of luck with Hulu’s new original series Into the Dark.
Political correctness is bananas. These series on Netflix are the best TV shows to binge-watch. End of the World, Insatiable, 13 Reasons Why
Camp Death III in 2D is a bad movie. A comedy/horror & a cheese-filled parody of Friday the 13th Part III. Watch it and see.
For lovers of Arthouse movies, Mandy’s a style over of substance fans fever dream. For the rest of us, left scratching our heads, it’s not as much of fun ride.