Cargo, When Short Films Are So Bloody Good, They Go Viral
Cargo is a horror short film. A man wakes up to find that his wife has died & turned into a zombie. How will he survive the apocalypse?
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Cargo is a horror short film. A man wakes up to find that his wife has died & turned into a zombie. How will he survive the apocalypse?
Horror short films in music appear often, but have you seen the one from My Chemical Romance? It References the 1999 Japanese film Audition.
Chris Sun’s Boar movie review. Released in October 2018, available on VOD. Is Boar a remake of the cult classic Razorback movie?
Juliette is a lone survivor in an apocalypse. The Hostile movie could be classified as a psycho-thriller pretending to be a horror movie.
Ever Wanted to Try Psychokinesis? The movie from 2018 is one of the best South Korean movies that teach you to move things with your mind.
Primal Rage The Legend of Oh-Ma follows newlyweds after an accident. But the Yowie just wants a wife. Director Patrick Magee monster movie