Fantasia Film Festival 2024 | Add These Must-See Films To Your Watchlist Next
Fantasia Film Festival 2024 is spitting out the best genre films again and Mother of Movies has a list of titles you need to add to your watch list next.
Fantasia Film Festival 2024 is spitting out the best genre films again and Mother of Movies has a list of titles you need to add to your watch list next.
Sting 2024 is horror movie about a 12 year old girl called Charlotte who finds a spider and decides to keep it as a secret pet.
Johnny loses his only posession, a locket, stolen by a group of campers who know of the history but not of the danger. 2024 horror movie.
Anja inherits a house and an old journal signifying she is in the exact place she needs to be to become a Yoga Influencer for Mind Body Spirit.
Humane 2024 follows the aftermath of a global population explosion that needs to be diminished by 20%. One family finds choosing who to kill harder than it looked.
#humane #humane2024 #motherofmovies
Final Destination 2 is the second film in the franchise. Released in 2003, the title is directed by David R. Ellis and follows Kimberley’s premonitions.