Tarot film review

Despite more negative reviews than positive, the supernatural horror movie, Tarot is worthy of a one-time watch. If you like the idea of an entity controlling the outcome of what happens to you after your fortune is read then you are one step closer to figuring out if you should watch this film next.

Tarot’s violence and special effects are at peak level. The opening scene is vicious and the rest of the film includes plenty of gruesome kills, enough to satiate the more avid fans of gory horror movies. Visually and alongside the polished sound supports, the horror tarot card versions of the dark things that come for blood are very well done.

With that aspect out of the way, the narrative concerns itself with friends who rent a fully furnished kitted-out creepy mansion to celebrate the birthday of a well-loved person called, Elise.

Also brought into the storyline is the externally provided anecdote about Tarot cards. And that using another person’s deck is tied to misfortune. A commonly used staple in a paint-by-numbers B-movie, this well-known fact is ignored by everyone. Hailey is somewhat knowledgeable when it concerns Tarot and its policies however fails to take seriously the laws that govern their use.

Dialogue lets the team down in this Sony Pictures release, with a lot of the conversational scenes feeling inadequate. With frequent and foretold details for the murders of these friends, they talk a lot of crap in between. On the upside, there was a lot of thought put into the clues to foretell the deaths by the cards they were dealt.

Tarot review Mother of Movies
Tarot review Mother of Movies

Don’t Play With Other People’s Decks

Because Hayley is the only person with a high level of knowledge about Tarot and Tarot-related things, anyone on Earth would be suspicious of a deck of cards found in a secret downstairs room filled with various mystical items. Especially in a spooky old house. The cards are hand-painted and extremely old and the room itself could be a mystical safe built to protect its contents from use. But never mind that. Hayley doesn’t really hesitate when it comes to using this intricately purposeful set of cards that belongs to someone else and requires little prodding to shuffle up and deal.

Follow one rule to stay out of danger. You’re never to deal with the deck of a stranger.

Quote from the movie, Tarot (2024 film)

Pulled In Two Directions While Watching Tarot

Fortunately, Hayley is fairly good at dealing with other people’s decks and provides the right sort of entertainment to take the attention away from herself. She has been the topic of the group’s most recent scandal. Haley and Grant (who is another person invited) have broken up before the vacation set off. So she starts the reading which breaks the tension and takes the focus off the weird vibe thus far.

Instead of impending doom and danger, as the oddly specific definitions of the cards are announced, they all laugh and make jokes.

Most likely to eat something off the ground

Quote from Tarot 2024

The night is in full swing and everyone is having a great time as each person is given their front-row seat to cartomancy. Haley, Grant, Paxton, Paige, Madeline, Lucas, and Elise are given their cards with a central focus on the middle and last card to add drama. Each death then corresponds with their showstopper middle card. It’s that simple. For a detailed outline of the cards used, scroll down to the end of the review for the spoiler section.

Try Not To Get To Hung Up On Things

The first kill scene to take place is for the birthday girl, Elise who finds herself in a situation with her calling card, The High Priestess. She was foretold that climbing the ladder to success was in her future. Elise does climb the ladder, however it can be described as anything but fortuitous. In this instance, death by a ladder is a sloppy and bone-crunching event.

Because Haley knows her astrology, she quickly finds an occult specialist when she and their remaining friends realise that something is up with the cards.

When Luke is also attacked by something otherworldly (The Hermit,) she decides to see Alma in the hopes of stopping the deaths. Alma tells her the story of who is behind the killings, why, and what they need to do next. It is, of course, the top-tier level solution in witchcraft. When in doubt, burn it down. The cards must be destroyed to stop the curse.

This is the type of movie that is frustrating though and was overtly predictable in its setup. It announces each event in ways that most can read into or guess quickly. And while sometimes that’s not exactly a bad thing, it forces the “twists” to fail.

I did enjoy that each card had its own agenda tied to its personality though, so it doesn’t mean Tarot can’t be fun for those who like it simply like this.

To sum up, don’t go into this wanting a complicated plot and fancy surprises. Tarot is not as bad as its 4.8 out of 10 average score on IMBD.com suggests. It is always fun trying to solve word puzzles while watching a horror movie.

Tarot is rated

3 occult savants out of 5

Mother of Movies score
Tarot film review
Tarot film review

Feeling Trapped About How to Decide What to Watch Next?

Mother of Movies has spoilers for the film as well as details on where to watch this title. For more films that feature curses in the horror genre, read about them here: The Call, The Midnight Man, or, Rattlesnake are all great options.

What Cards Kill People in the Movie Tarot 2024?

The cards represented in the 2024 film, Tarot are The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, The Fool, and The Magician. Each one is well-designed and visually creative.

Tarot is Streaming On Netflix

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Tarot 2024 Plot Spoilers

The details in the storyline are what eventually equate to plotholes which are pointed out by various online complaints about Tarot 2024. The title highlights aspects of astrology and Tarot reading in superficial detail but enough to provide some of the more important rules.

The reader needs to know the person’s star sign for accurate fortune-telling. Although, I’m not sure the fact is accurate realistically in most instances. What the theory points out is that the spirit overseeing the cursed deck of cards couldn’t possibly do a reading on someone who didn’t supply their astrological information.

How Does Each Person Die in Tarot 2024?

How does Elise die?

Hayley gets killed by The High Priestess. She climbs up the attic ladder and gets knocked down to the ground level where the spirit smashes the ladder into her until she dies.

How Does Hayley Die?

Hayley survives.

How Does Lucas Die?

Lucas is killed by a train after the Joker scares him into being in front of it.

How Does Madeline Die?

Madeline dies by The Hanged Man when the friends are in a group traveling in a car.

How Does Paxton Die?

Paxton survives after being followed by The Joker and trapped in an elevator. A person in his dorm opens the elevator door that somehow vanquishes the spirit.

How Does Paige Die?

Paige is killed by The Magician who saws her in half.


Grant survives after being dragged away by the Devil. When Hayley kills the Astrologer, the curse is broken freeing both him and Paxton from the card’s clutches.

How Does Alma Die?

Alma is the occult expert who summons the Astrologer so she can vanquish it. But the Astrologer reads her cards first, and she dies when death the 6 of Swords, by swords.