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The Decline (Jusqu’au déclin) Best Survival Movies

The Decline Movie

Streaming on most platforms, “The Decline” is a French-language thriller for survivalist movie fans. Shot in the winter of Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Laurentides, Québec, and Canada it follows a group of people who believe a world disaster is looming. The story follows Antoine, who wants nothing more than to be able to protect his family and enlists in a survivalist training group run by Alain. Alain has it all figured out, grows his own food, has land and property that is self-sufficient, off the grid, and is more than happy to impart his wisdom to others. If society falls off its hinges, this well-stocked training camp is more than equipped to protect them from any pursuant dangers.

Survival Movies

Alain trains his new recruits in many areas of self-preservation. His land is carefully laid out so that any unwanted intruder will find themselves in more than a pickle if they were to attempt a takeover. Along with bombs, weapons, greenhouses, and traps, he gives his trainees a lesson on how to get things done.

The Decline is not your classic apocalypse survivalist movie. In fact, it has nothing to do with an end-of-days scenario at all. This film from director Patrice Laliberté serves as a precursor and timely reminder that people are often their own worst enemies.

The scenery is desolate, cold, and unforgiving with cinematography hiding the movie’s low-budget roots. With only 83 minutes to set up its showdown, the cast still manages to create an ensemble. Performances are fantastic, and in this case, the dubbed version is actually not abysmal. I took a turn watching sections both in French and English dubbed. While I usually champion watching a film in its original language, this bite-sized story is worth watching whichever way you please.

The Decline Survival Thriller
Jusqu’au déclin (2020) The Decline is courtesy of Netflix

The Decline 2020, Brush Up On Your Wilderness Survival Skills

The Decline’s switch of pace comes when a rather grizzly accident takes place. A lot of the film’s violence comes at times when you are least expecting it. This was one of my favorite things about the movie as a whole. Of course, for me, there were a few moments within the narrative that failed to hit their mark. One’s where careful and militant actions are followed up with complete complacency.

Despite some overused tropes and predictability, The Decline 2020 is not complicated nor hard to follow. There are no ambiguous endings or the torment of wondering what someone’s motivations might be to act a certain way. The characters are set up like dominoes and each person reacts to the one before as they all topple over. It’s hard to gauge which of them will be the last one standing and for that, it deserves more credit. When it’s survivalists vs. survivalists, you’ll get what you came for.

I give The Decline

3.5 skinned rabbits out of 5

Mother of Movies score

For another review of The Decline see: the Heaven of Horror website.

3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5

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