The Shed Movie, Some Monsters Are Best Kept in the Dark
A vampire movie to sink your teeth into. The Shed by Frank Sabatella gives his take on tackling bullies with an 80’s throwback style.
The Shed is an independent vampire movie released in 2019 now streaming on Shudder. For low-budget fare, there is a lot to like about The Shed. Frank Sabatella’s directorial debut showcases what many film lovers are looking for. The underdog is getting payback. People rise above their tragedies and find their way through the darkness. In press notes for the film, the filmmakers describe the inspiration for the story via literal everyday monsters. We see them when we watch the news or even walk down the street. Combine this idea with classic revenge stories about bullying and fighting back and you have the basics for The Shed.
The whole film travels along much like a throwback to Fright Night from 1985. From the score to the performances of the characters themselves. The special effects are a little rough around the edges at times. However, they also add a certain charm to the overall production if you like that kind of thing.
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There are plenty of friendly faces speckled amongst the cast too. I was warmed to see Siobhan Fallon Hogan who always gives her parts a quirky edge. Frank Waley was there, unrecognizable inside the shed as the movie’s antagonist, but you know him from Hustlers and Vacancy. There were other well-seasoned bit parts to spot as well, so keep your eyes peeled.
The film shines in making you reminisce about lots of the films that came out of the ’80s. However, it lacks the pacing to keep up with its own agenda. There’s a turning point in the first half where Stan’s best friend Dommer discovers there is a weapon in the form of a vampire in the shed. He’s excited and for good reason. Dommer has been bullied for years. Punished and beaten by the same people over and over again. Sabatella’s story does not take the easy path. It is responsible for its ethos. It concentrates on the relationships between its two star-crossed lovers.
The Shed Film
Although Stan and Roxy should have been the highlights for this spatter about lives that matter, I really enjoyed Cody Kostkro’s Dommer. For Sofia Happonen’s Roxy, this was only her second time on screen. But while Jay Jay Warren’s Stan kept up the pace, I felt a little underwhelmed at times due to his inconsistent character profile. I liked him, I just didn’t love him.
Undoubtedly, one part of me wanted the chaos, thrill-kills, and, mayhem this could have offered. Even so, I’m kind of glad it tried to give more precedence to other options. For those who can relate to the situation at hand, looking for escapism in cinema, this one won’t teach you that revenge is the only avenue. While The Shed wasn’t nearly as fun as I thought it would be, this is a film I’d be more comfortable showing young teens. Sometimes the easy route of having a bully-killing monster trapped in a shed isn’t the only way to go.
I give The Shed movie
2.5 who let the monster out oof oof oof out of 5

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