Women in Horror Mother of Movies Press Pass Poster

The Women in Horror Film Festival (WIHFF) is widely known for its impressive collection of short films. This year, the festival is offering a remote press pass to Mother of Movies, allowing her to experience the exciting lineup of 2020. These 5 horror short films with a twist are a testament to the fact that no matter the duration, there’s always room for a surprise ending.

Women In Horror Film Festival Short Films 2020

WIHFF took place from the 27th to the 29th of February. This festival not only showcases the incredible work of screenwriters and filmmakers but also celebrates the talented community of women who contribute their skills to the genre. For more details and the complete schedule of WIHFF, please visit their official website.


As a festival finalist, Retch is the type of four-minute film that packs a punch. Using cinematic trickery that induces a feeling of chaos as two central characters find themselves in a nightmare. Chloe Wigmore and Maria Teresa Creasy star in this dark and panic-stricken short film that leaves you on the edge of your seat and then drops you a large distance. It’s short films like this that remind you to be part of the audience for festivals like WIHFF.

Retch Reviewed Women in Horror Film Festival
Produced by Hydraholix Productions + Breaking Point Flix. Retch 2018. Short films with a twist


“The Doula” is another horror short film with a twist and stars Kittie Walsh as Sophie with her partner Taylor played by Jon Brzyski. An affluent pair from Brooklyn is about to embark on the journey of parenthood. Their doula, of course, comes recommended by those in the know. Just when you think there are too many gaps in the story that play out in just over 9 minutes, it unleashes some tidy violence that explains it all. The doula is played by Lillian DeVane.


The buzzing of flies suggests the viewer needs to be on high alert in many horror films. Breakfast, the story starts with a woman awakening in bed. Injured and bandaged in many places she stands and realizes her hearing is acute and her appetite has returned. Without an explanation of how or why there are changes in Katherine (Rebecca Smee) as she goes about what seems to be her normal routine. Giving a lesson on how to build successful tension, the film is cloaked in darkness only revealing what it needs to keep your attention.


A parody of millennial struggles, Marose finds herself stuck in a rut. What better way to make yourself feel better than to find a new pastime? Dorothy Collins leads the short film with her sedate and proper job in a coffee shop. In Slice, Marose takes her job seriously while a voiceover explains what’s really going on in her mind. Amazingly in the movie’s 3-minute run time, everything you’ve ever thought about customer service will be realized. Slice is a disturbingly sweet bite of horror with a twist.


Split Tongue doesn’t waste any time bringing the gore and blood as Jenny (Morgan Misic) wakes in a bathroom covered in it. Carl, (Lee Shorten) sits outside reading verses from the bible as Jenny begs to be let out of her makeshift prison. With a surprising pop of techno-dance music, the film manages to crank up a notch giving the story a much-needed dose of energy. The film speaks to the feeling of insatiable pangs of hunger within us.

The Doula, Breakfast, Slice and Split Tongue. Horror short films with a twist.
The Doula, Breakfast, Slice, and Split Tongue. Horror short films with a twist.

Short Films With A Twist