Truth or Dare 2018

Truth Or Dare Movie (2018)

Truth or Dare on Netflix takes a great cast & stretches their mouths beyond recognition. Truth or Dare is a game, want to play?

The Truth or Dare movie 2018 is streaming. So go and watch it. If you are a lover of horror that isn’t smart and includes overused tropes, you will enjoy this one. I thought it was decent and I liked a lot of the elements Blumhouse used in this version. Did I say version? Yes, there are a few titles with the same name. Read on to find out more. Maybe you’ll even relate to the narrative and think back to when you used to play the Truth or Dare game yourself.

Truth or Dare Online

There’s nothing less common than movies about friends on Spring Break. It’s a great setting for just about anything, especially horror. If you can pull off horror with loads of people around there’s a good chance the budget for the movie is big enough to support it.

I found no fault in having a bunch of people act drunk and make foolish decisions. Sometimes so drunk that they’re rubbing up against strangers on the dance floor and getting their un-swagger on. But the inconsistencies for ‘drunk or not’ happen more than once in the Truth or Dare movie. Once you are drunk there is no back button. You either end up in a field somewhere, a garden or friends take you home and shove you into your room.

Many horror films have utilized this plot point. So intoxicated is Markie she’s nearly making out with someone in front of her boyfriend but is fine to hike along a cliff to the old mansion on the hill. She is also fairly fine once the game commences, not a slur insight.

Blumhouse Ruined It

Did Blumhouse use a time machine? Somehow, Olivia’s car becomes one such instrument because when they all get out, Penelope is sober. This is after drunken-McDrunk drank a whole bottle of vodka, fell off the roof, and had a five-second nap.

Compared to previous Truth or Dare films this title blends all dare levels together but tones down the dare questions and scenarios before amping them straight up to kill. The dare that grated on me the most was the following;

Her:  “I have to sleep with you.

Him: “I don’t but you do.

Quote from the movie, Truth or Dare

…said no guy ever. What does that even mean? People who cheat should write that down try it out and let me know how it goes.

Is Truth or Dare a Good Movie

The title holds low ratings across aggregate sites compared to other titles with the same name by about half a star. For me, the characters simply had no appeal and therefore the tension subsided about halfway. But as I said earlier. The Truth or Dare movie didn’t suck and it isn’t the train wreck it’s made out to be. So it’s a pass from me.

Truth or Dare movie is rated

2.5 Tell me who you love or die out of 5

2.5 star rating
2.5 stars out of 5

Is Truth or Dare on Netflix Yet?

a woman smiling at camera as seen in Truth or Dare movie

Not anymore. But the extended directors cut can be streamed online. Mother of Movies has a link below where you can watch the movie now. Afterward, perhaps you’d like to play it yourself, at home, and not die. Did you know there is a Truth or Dare death generator? You could even use the generator to drum up some Truth or Dare questions for kids or your friends.

How Long is Truth or Dare?

The iconic horror movie is a cinematic experience with all the bells and whistles. Blumhouse is a great production company and usually gets its run times right. This film lasts for 1 hour and 43 minutes. In this case, it definitely could have been less. Just a little.

The film begins with a bunch of teenagers, per usual, and this time they are headed to Mexico. A cute guy invites them to hang out and when they are all there innocently suggests a friendly game of Truth or Dare then mysteriously disappears once the game gets going.

Overall I was expecting Truth or Dare 2018 to suck. To be fair it doesn’t completely suck, even for a film that can totally be classified as uninformed horror. The cast, performances, and aesthetics all attribute to this certainly not being unwatchable. The creepy evil smiley faces are pretty neat. It’s definitely not elevated horror, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

Where Was Truth or Dare Movie Filmed?

The movie was filmed mostly in California. The opening scenes, the medical school, and the Taco Chabelita were all in Los Angeles. When they jet off to Mexico they actually go and can be seen in Tijuana and Rosarito which is a nice touch for a film like this.

What Went Wrong With the Questions for Truth or Dare?

Truth or Dare 2018

Directorial Issues
Right away the directorial misses for Jeff Wadlow made this title not shine. My initial excitement at seeing a teaser trailer and the cast for the horror film was quashed when I realized he’s the same guy who directed the sequel for Kick-Ass 2010 and bombed it.

Screenplay Issues
Why are there so many names on the screenplay list? For me, it’s usually a sign of trouble. Remember those writing games you play where one person writes a sentence each and eventually you get a story? Wouldn’t it be better to cap it at two people? Even if the screenwriters are following Blum’s direction on where the story is going, doesn’t it make sense to keep it simple?

The PG-13 Rating for the Truth or Dare Movie
You know what? I think this was done intentionally. Anything higher won’t go commercial. Won’t be on television networks and won’t translate overseas as well in some countries with a higher rating. So while a horror enthusiast like me sees the rating as negative, everyone who matters financially doesn’t.

Previous films with the Same Title

  • Truth or Dare 2017 — A very similar structure to this one with a different ending.
  • 2013 Truth or Dare — Truth or dare videos on the internet.
  • Truth or Dare 2012 — The brother of the one who was wronged seeks revenge on the players of the game.

Watch the Truth or Dare Movie Trailer

Film Information, Budget, and Release for Truth or Dare 2018

  • Truth or Dare movie cast Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane (The Flash TV Series), Hayden Szeto, Sophia Taylor Ali (Grey’s Anatomy 2018), and Landon Liboiron.
  • You can watch this movie by checking the link below for the best streaming options in your region.
  • Directed by Jeff Wadlow.
  • Produced by Jason Blum.
  • Screenplay by Michael Reisz, Jillian Jacobs, Chris Roach, and Jeff Wadlow.
  • Released: April 2018 with a budget of $3.5 million. Made its money back at the Box Office with $93 million.
  • Genres: Thriller | Horror

Where to Watch Truth or Dare 2018

Truth or Dare
truth or dare 2018 e1605534673977

Director: Jeff Wadlow

Date Created: 2018-05-06 14:34

Editor's Rating: