The Pool 2018 A Movie About Killer Crocodiles
The full movie is streaming on Shudder in the USA, and “The Pool” is a Thai-language crocodile movie. How can you go wrong with a crocodile movie set inside a giant swimming pool? Directed by Ping Lumpraploeng, this horror movie certainly wastes no time letting you know where things end up, before rewinding the story to an earlier setting. That’s certainly a good thing too, because how does one end up in an empty pool with a giant crocodile anyway?
Opening scenes of this 2018 creature feature show a bloodied and battered Day (played by Theeradej Wongpuapan) lying at the bottom of an unusually large and empty swimming pool. As he opens his eyes a very, very big growling crocodile enters the frame and almost rips his leg off.
Lumpraploeng, not only directed but wrote the story for The Pool. Despite being every horror movie lover’s worst nightmare in terms of opportunistic mishaps, the story flows well. The two main characters have a backstory and you’re given enough information to root for a survivor. I must admit though, I did laugh at the sheer misfortune of Day. He is very unlucky.
Visual Effects VS Budget Special Effects in Filmmaking
Let’s get a few things straight about “The Pool” movie though. If you’re looking for dynamic visual effects and the realism of a big-budget movie like 2019’s Crawl, then this film might disappoint. However, for what I assume to be a fairly modest budget, this horror movie from Thailand gives realism a red-hot go. In some scenes, the digital effects are computer-generated. But in others, I considered the thought of pre-filmed stunts overlayed into the final work. So for what it’s worth, The Pool is not the worst I’ve seen. Not by a long stretch.
In combination with some decent practical special effects, some nail-biting (pun intended) wince-inducing gore, and a film set that would make many filmmakers envious, The Pool 2018 has a lot going for it. Additionally, the narrative’s dramatic scenes do affect the pacing. Some even suck the action out of the action sequences. An over-reliance on ensuring we understand the full relationship between our two lovers leaves the film to drag more often than not. But if you want a rudimentary step-by-step movie with an underdog fighting to become the hero in a battle for survival, The Pool has that in spades.
The Pool Movie 2018
Just how long can you survive in an empty pool with a giant hungry crocodile? Well, you’ll have to watch it to find out. With a 90-minute runtime, there isn’t all that much to complain about though. There is one particular scene that will likely be very unpleasant to many viewers. If you want to know ahead of time if the little dog dies, check the spoiler section below. The Pool movie is mindless entertainment. At the very least, this crocodile movie is entertaining.
The Pool film is rated
2.5 Possibly the unluckiest man ever out of 5

Does the dog die in The Pool movie?
It sure does. The dog is eaten by the crocodile when it is used as bait so the man can try to escape.
The Pool (2018) is produced by Dark Army Studio & distributed by ABS-CBN Film Productions. For another view of the movie, check out
The Crocodile Movie “The Pool” Full Movie Trailer

The Pool 2018 Review

Director: Ping Lumpraploeng
Date Created: 2018-09-27 00:05