Alive Movie There’s No Science Here
Rob Grant makes interesting and unique films. The Alive movie is one of them. In the director’s chair for his most recent smash hits Harpoon and, Fake Blood, this time, he is joined by writers Chuck McCue, and Jules Vincent, who also produced. After a successful film festival run, the horror and thriller movie went to streaming platforms on September 18th, 2020. The story may begin with a generic backdrop and setting. But, if you’ve seen any of Grant’s previous films you will know not to expect the expected. Subsequently Alive is no different. The story begins in a sanitorium that holds two severely injured captives and a well-spoken eclectic caretaker.
New Horror Movies By Rob Grant – Alive
For horror fans, there is plenty of well-placed spatter and gruesomeness to appease. Without losing those who shy away from too much blood and gore, the film chooses not to spend long periods abusing your eyes with it and instead opts for short bursts of violence.
Within the narrative of the Alive movie, character names are deliberately omitted, adding to the film’s mystery. The caretaker dominates the storyline, oozing confidence in his conviction that his enforced ‘assistance’ is of immense benefit to the group of battered individuals under his watch. A chilling undercurrent flows throughout, as it’s made abundantly clear that deviating from his commands invites dire consequences.

The pacing feels slow as it plods along giving you nothing but questions for quite some time. Why is this man keeping this unnamed pair prisoner? Who are they? Where did they come from? All completely unanswered until the final quarter of the movie.
What this does is make it extremely hard to review without spoiling but I’ll do my very best. I will offer this advice though and, that is to stick with it. As this unlikely pair are more and more eager in their attempt to escape you begin to wonder whether they know each other. Memories begin to spark and when they are finally able to get free of their restraints, some clues are placed in front of you to lead you to certain conclusions.
For those looking to avoid spoilers feel free to watch the trailer below, it gives nothing away. Certainly, Alive isn’t absent of flaws but is very much stitched together with entertaining moments. Overall another strong film from The Rob Grant collection.
I give Alive
3.5 the fearless and powerful retold out of 5

Alive Movie Trailer
“Pain means you’re alive”
Quote from Alive by Rob Gran and Cranked Up Films

Alive Movie Information and Cast
- Alive movie cast: Thomas Cocquerel (“The 100”), Camille Stopps (“Reign”), and Angus Macfadyen (“Strange Angel.”)
- Directed by: Rob Grant.
Written by: Chuck McCue, Jules Vincent. - From Cranked Up Films and 775 Media Corp.
- The title was viewed as a screener.